I am currently in the process of creating a customer service programme with supporting tools and exercises.
i am looking for additional support in writing some of the material. can anyone advise me where to look and how to find a suitable partner to work with on this project?
kay vessey

7 Responses
search for training support
A couple of places to post ‘help wanted’ are http://www.trainerbase.co.uk where you can also search trainers profiles and see if any match your needs, or try http://www.ukhrd.com and then ‘help wanted’.
Good luck,
Debbie Beale
Searching For Training Support
Try http://www.magentaCircle.co.uk too
Regards Nigel Wyatt
Customer Service
You could try contacting Graham Frost of Transform Solutions who specialises in providing tailored customer service programmes.
Email: graham@transformconsultancy.com
Phone: 01733 311288
Sandra Beale
response to your query
Hi, if you know pretty much what the content is going to be but need help writing it (making it persuasive, compelling, etc) then I would be interested. I’m a copywriter with vast experience in writing all sorts of sales/marketing literature for many different industries!
(my web site is http://www.damoncrane.com)
If not…good luck!
training support
I run a writing network which has considerable experience relevant to your project.I would be happy to discuss. sheila.hart@publicom.biz 01225 865863
Training Consultant
I have a great deal of experience in writing exercises and case studies, as vehicles to aid learning.
I would be happy to talk with you.
Source for training course material creators
If you are looking for a source for people who write training materials try looking at http://www.nnmf.org website. The Northern New Media Forum is a group of 160+ designers, trainers, software developers etc. who have got together to share best practice and hold regular free training meetings. Their website has a forum for people looking for any skill. Simply type your requirement and you will have access to 160 specialist companies, some of which will offer the services you want.