If it is an online solution that would be good as well. At the moment, the research is conceptual, as we're currently trying to identify desired behaviours and skills, but I need to be able to move quickly once they are identified to provide individuals with a mechanism for identifying the gaps between desired and actual performance.
Felicity Fisher

4 Responses
? what are you wanting?
Hi :o) read your message….so what are you asking? I think i could give you some useful advice but i am not certain as to what it is you actually want….please help me as i would love to help you. thanks adele
Skills Gaps
We use a questionnaire to help us assess potential project managers. It looks at their skills gaps in the following areas:
Verbal Communication
Written Communication
However, these could be considered to be generic skills and, with very little work, you could probably adapt this to your needs. If you are interested, let me know.
Phil Wheeliker
Back to Basics
Seems to me that you should be looking at Job Descriptions rather than ‘tools’. A questionnaire based on the requirements of the JD, perhaps with past performance review information included as an independent measure of previous performance (as opposed to how people think/say they do) should go some way to solving the problem.
As for future requirements, ‘Where I Want to Be’ – ‘Where I Am’ = ‘What I need to Learn’ is a basic equation that usually works.
Don’t overcomplicate the simple.
Competency & TNA Tool
Hi Felicity,
you should talk to Peter Howell at Global Knowledge and ask him about Competus Online and Knowledge Pathways. These are two online tools that do pretty much what you are asking for. You can contact Peter at peter.howell@globalknowledge.net and please feel free to use my name when you contact Peter.
Gary (Mobile 0788 079 0815)