We have recently launched a new performance management system. For the first time in the company, this includes formal self-appraisal as part of the evaluation stages. Would anyone be able to recommend some training materials or text that would help me to set up a short training workshop for all staff?
Susie Smith

3 Responses
Self Appraisal
Hi Susie,
I know I can help yopu with this request, please contact me and I will take a look around and email whatever I have
Appraisal Trg Material
Hi Susie
I’ve got loads of stuff on disk used to good effect in many multinational firms. Please feel free to call me on 07702 433284
Some Useful Web Sites
A general web site explaining the process and purpose of appraisal systems – a good little article.
A web site that purports to be a resource page in reality this page has one interesting article on why marking systems are so often a disaster. Apart from this, this site sucks.
A web site from Arizona State University which helps people to develop a DIY appraisal system – excellent if this is what your after. It even has templates for documents!
Michigan State University have published all their documentation for appraisals, worth looking at for ideas and inspiration when developing your appraisal scheme.
A good British site! Numerous articles and ideas for appraisal systems, part of a commercial training and consultancy companies web site. A definite site to visit for ideas.
A site detailing Seven Stupid Things Human Resource Departments Do To Screw Up Performance Appraisals.
A collection of performance measures which you can edit to suit the job profiles you have within your own organisations.
A superb site with tips, hints and ideas on how to set up and run an appraisal system, superb!