Can anyone help please. I've been asked to deliver a workshop to area Sales Managers who sell through third parties eg. dealerships, distributors, agents, resellers etc. I have a fair amount of experience in sales training but have never delivered on this specific subject. Does anyone have anything they would be prepared to share on this specific area of selling? I'm particularly interested to know whether there are any selling tchniques that would apply only to this type of sales activity. Thanks in anticipation
derek purdon

One Response
I assume that we are discussing a manufactured or competetive product. We ( the facillitator) have to discover:- the market for this product, what is assisting the sale,eg web // lit // pricing // value against competetion. what campaigns are in place & how we can add value to the reseller // partners proposition // USP etc. importantly what we can do that the competetion are not doing.
We then require to establish how best to assist them ( our delegates) manage their time in order to get the best return for the effort of creating profit for their companies.
We must now get the delegate to think how they get the best results & from which activities etc etc ( ABC analysis or value to them ( not gut feel))
When we understand this ourselves we can help them think how to reset suitable campaigns for new & established reseller business.
We can now discuss how they can get MINDSHARE
Regular visits & training to the reseller who will a) run campaigns on OUR products b) hold suitable events promotinmg US & OUR products.
We discuss promotions, timing, regional differences.
We train the reseller salesforce, we offer certificatian we make the reseller out expert & when the reseller needs our presence we meet the client with them & we encourage this, we encourage seminars & trade exibitions. ( the reseller will then have no time for the competetion & we will have their loyality & get our rewards)
Summary: this delegate must over time understand how to create the campiagn, who to spend time with, how to establish mindshare of the reseller & how to keep the loyality.
These comments are made in light of no understanding of the variances of the commodity & assuming that the sales managers ( delegates) could if required teach the reseller to ” earn the right” understand ” goals” & devise short term campaigns.
If they can leave your course with some of this they may well succeed.
This is a very rough & short draft upon a interesting & complex subject, I wish you well & will assist further if possible. Off touring from 14th June until 3rd July.
Good Luck