Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as a communication tool can offer trainers a useful insight. Christine Knott gives her tips on using the discipline to sell more effectively.
Identifying the ‘preferred’ language
The selected words in sentence construction will give a good indication of someone’s ‘preferred’ language. Some of us use visual words such as: ‘see,’ ‘looks,’ ‘picture this,’ and other colourful and bright words! A visual may say ‘Can you see what I mean?’
Those who prefer auditory words, such as: ‘listen’ or ‘hear’ or ‘sounds like’, would possibly rephrase the aforementioned sentence as ‘Can you hear what I’m saying?’
Finally a kinaesthetic phrased sentence, the third option which focuses on how we feel about something might be ‘Do you get a feel for this?’
Observe the words people use in conversation
Do they focus on visual words, say more auditory words or do you get the feeling they may be kinaesthetic because many verbs are integrated into the conversation?
Once you identify someone’s style or can picture what their representational system may be, respond back to them by using their preferred language of words. It is unconsciously flattering to the receiver and they will also have a better understanding of the content. The benefit to any sales process is that rapport is built much faster a solid foundation for any sale.
Matching sales strategy to prospects buying strategy
During your sales pitch be aware of showing pictures and samples to stimulate the visuals. Allow the kinaesthetics to handle the samples, they need to get a feel for something. Auditories are motivated by sound so be aware of the words you say and if your sample can be switched on do it so they can ‘hear’ the quality and pass comment on its actions.
Would they prefer to see samples or simply have a conversation? Do they make a decision on the day, if not how long do they want to help them think about it. Following on from this is how much information they need to move them towards making a decision.
A real winner is the principle of the NLP ‘meta model’, an absolute must for anyone wanting to cut to the chase in a sale when asked questions or faced with the anticipated ‘objection’. By using the tools of the Meta Model you will be in a position to identify any missing information your customer may delete from the question or clarify any content that is distorted or could be interpreted incorrectly. The Meta Model will help you to drill down for the information you need to be able to respond accurately and with speed to questions, objections or levels of interest. Try using the phrases ‘what exactly do you mean’ or ‘how exactly’. Such questioning techniques will help locate the missing content you need.
Away from and towards
Your customer will either tell you what they do want – towards, or what they don’t want – away from. This is a great clue as to how they process information. If they are towards i.e. focussed on what they want, explain your benefits in the format of what they will get, example with us you will have peace of mind. If they are away from – geared to what they don’t want. Tell them what they won’t have to do, or what they won’t have, or get by owning your product – example you won’t have to worry when you buy from us.
Chances your unconscious mind is directing you to operate in this vein. How fantastic will your (or your clients’) results be in the future now that you know you are aware of the tools at your disposal!
Christine Knott is the founder of training and field marketing company Beyond The Box. For more information on Beyond The Box visit:
Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as a communication tool can offer trainers a useful insight. Christine Knott gives her tips on using the discipline to sell more effectively.
Identifying the ‘preferred’ language
The selected words in sentence construction will give a good indication of someone’s ‘preferred’ language. Some of us use visual words such as: 'see,' 'looks,' 'picture this,' and other colourful and bright words! A visual may say ‘Can you see what I mean?’
Those who prefer auditory words, such as: 'listen' or 'hear' or 'sounds like', would possibly rephrase the aforementioned sentence as ‘Can you hear what I’m saying?’
Finally a kinaesthetic phrased sentence, the third option which focuses on how we feel about something might be ‘Do you get a feel for this?’
Finally a kinaesthetic phrased sentence, the third option which focuses on how we feel about something might be ‘Do you get a feel for this?’
Observe the words people use in conversation
Do they focus on visual words, say more auditory words or do you get the feeling they may be kinaesthetic because many verbs are integrated into the conversation?
Once you identify someone’s style or can picture what their representational system may be, respond back to them by using their preferred language of words. It is unconsciously flattering to the receiver and they will also have a better understanding of the content. The benefit to any sales process is that rapport is built much faster a solid foundation for any sale.
Matching sales strategy to prospects buying strategy
During your sales pitch be aware of showing pictures and samples to stimulate the visuals. Allow the kinaesthetics to handle the samples, they need to get a feel for something. Auditories are motivated by sound so be aware of the words you say and if your sample can be switched on do it so they can ‘hear’ the quality and pass comment on its actions.
Would they prefer to see samples or simply have a conversation? Do they make a decision on the day, if not how long do they want to help them think about it. Following on from this is how much information they need to move them towards making a decision.
A real winner is the principle of the NLP ‘meta model’, an absolute must for anyone wanting to cut to the chase in a sale when asked questions or faced with the anticipated ‘objection’. By using the tools of the Meta Model you will be in a position to identify any missing information your customer may delete from the question or clarify any content that is distorted or could be interpreted incorrectly. The Meta Model will help you to drill down for the information you need to be able to respond accurately and with speed to questions, objections or levels of interest. Try using the phrases ‘what exactly do you mean’ or ‘how exactly’. Such questioning techniques will help locate the missing content you need.
Away from and towards
Your customer will either tell you what they do want – towards, or what they don’t want – away from. This is a great clue as to how they process information. If they are towards i.e. focussed on what they want, explain your benefits in the format of what they will get, example with us you will have peace of mind. If they are away from – geared to what they don’t want. Tell them what they won’t have to do, or what they won’t have, or get by owning your product – example you won’t have to worry when you buy from us.
Chances your unconscious mind is directing you to operate in this vein. How fantastic will your (or your clients') results be in the future now that you know you are aware of the tools at your disposal!
Christine Knott is the founder of training and field marketing company Beyond The Box. For more information on Beyond The Box visit: