No L&D community is an island. In fact, TrainingZone is just one title under the umbrella of our publisher, Sift Media. Beneath are some stories from other titles in the SM portfolio.
Organisational charts can help deploy the right employees to the right project at the right time – HRZone
Gamification and customer service: How to make it the perfect combo – MyCustomer
The ultimate guide to Pinterest for marketing – BusinessZone
How to succeed at succession – AccountingWeb (UK)
And from over the water…
What Gives Accountants the Most Enjoyment? Problem Solving – AccountingWeb (US)
Conducting Tax Return Update Meetings at the Gym Maybe Not the Best Idea – Going Concern
No L&D community is an island. In fact, TrainingZone is just one title under the umbrella of our publisher, Sift Media. Beneath are some stories from other titles in the SM portfolio.
Organisational charts can help deploy the right employees to the right project at the right time - HRZone
Gamification and customer service: How to make it the perfect combo - MyCustomer
The ultimate guide to Pinterest for marketing - BusinessZone
How to succeed at succession - AccountingWeb (UK)
And from over the water...