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Staff Held Back by Poor Management


British businesses are being held back by managers who fail to get the best out of their staff, according to the latest Workers’ Index published by MORI and The Work Foundation.

Almost one in four employees (24%) say that they are not inspired by their bosses and just over a quarter (27%) say that senior managers fail to provide them with a clear vision.

The situation has deteriorated since the first Workers’ Index in February this year. At that time two-thirds (66%) of employees said that their managers had a clear vision for the organisation whereas now fewer that three in five (57%) feel this way.

Of those critical of their employer, 60% identify improving the quality of management as the top priority for the organisation, while it is mentioned by just 18% of those who would speak highly of their employer.

Alexandra Jones, Associate Director at The Work Foundation said: “Poor management saps the motivation of staff: critics of their employers are twice as likely to say higher morale is vital for them to do a better job. Improved management is vital if the UK is to have a happier and more productive workforce.“


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