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Sub contracting


I am looking to draw up a set of Standard Terms and Conditions that I can use when sub-contracting delivery of training services. Anyone have a format that they are OK with me using or any tips that should be included - particularly in view of Inland Revenue position regarding employment or contractor

Many thanks
Rob Cockburn

10 Responses

  1. sub contracting
    I signed an agreement recently. e mail me for more details?

    Steven Rowe

  2. response
    Rob please let me have your e-mail address as i have a document which may interest you


    Lorna Storr

  3. if you find anything…
    Rob, if you come across anything, I’d be very interested in finding out about it. I’m in a similar situation using associates to deliver work, and I want to protect both my business and my clients.

  4. Sub contracting

    Let me have your e mail address, I may be able to assist, I have given Rob some info.

    Steven Rowe

  5. Sub-contractors contract
    My advice, Rob, would be to avoid contracts with sub-contractors. Most independent trainers are very ethical and impose far higher standards and more stringent conditions on themselves than you would ever attempt in a contract. I have found most contracts to be counter-productive. In practice, they won’t help in a IR dispute either. Just follow the IR guidelines.