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Survey 2000 – Attitudes to e-learning


A survey conducted by the Campaign for Learning, KPMG, Ufi Ltd and Peter Honey Learning between June and August 2000, have highlighted practices and attitudes towards e-learning and from this have published their findings in a report outlining some of the issues involved with this method of training:

  • The majority of e-learning takes place at work
  • A third of e-learners do most of their learning at home
  • The internet is the preferred method of e-learning
  • CD-ROM's are also favoured, however mainly in the private sector
  • Most of e-learning is work related and required by employers
  • Informal e-learning tends to cover personal interests and take place outside of working hours
  • The quality of e-learning is rated more highly when it is informal

Even though on the whole, positive attitudes from both individuals and providers were shown towards e-learning, this did not mean that a preference for this method of learning was given over any other forms.

other issues also highlighted are:

  • The need to have learning support whilst partaking in e-learning
  • There appears to be a lack of data about e-learning being collated
  • Providers are not spending enough annually on developing new course material
  • There is a positive attitude on the whole regarding e-learning as it is thought to be convenient
  • The main benefits of e-learning are helping people to 'keep-up-to-date' and goes towards satisfying peoples individual interests and curiosity
  • The majority of e-learners had not experienced problems with the technology involved in e-learning

The survey highlighted the benefits of e-learning as follows:

  • Accessibility to e-learning material
  • Reduces contact time needed between tutors and e-learners
  • Employers value e-learning as it reduces time spent 'off-the-job
  • This last point may also stem to the fact that employers use e-learning for employees to learn outside working hours

How e-learning compares with traditional learning approaches are:

  • E-learning is as effective as other methods
  • The future of learning does not lie solely with e-learning
  • It is not clear as to whether e-learning is more cost effective than other forms of learning

Negative aspects of e-learning are:

  • It is impersonal, frustrating and lonely
  • Easy to waste time, computers crash
  • Learning programmes and software difficult to find, or are of poor quality or too gimmicky
  • E-learning material is not sufficiently developed

Further information can be obtained from visiting the Campaign for Learning website or full copies of the e-learning survey can be purchased from the Campaign for Learning, c/o Southgate Publishers, price £6.95 + p&p (tel: 01363 776 888) or e-mail