Hi. I have been asked to deliver a 10 minute presentation on 'T&D - Key Priorities and Challenges' for an interview next week for T&D Manager. It is for a Public Sector Forensic Science Lab. Can you give me any hints, tips, techniques for this? If you were delivering it, what do you think needs included? I'd appreciate any comments/help - thank you!
Christine Galloway

3 Responses
T&D priorities
First priority for you and the new T&D manager is to understand the organsation.
Prior to interview look at websites, speak to people in the org if possible and those who deal with it also.
What is the culture like?
Centrlaised trainers?
Line managers providing training?
Coaching focus?
Internal / external provision?
Blended / self learning options?
Most important question for any potential training need – what will be different after the training has been delivered?
This provides learning objectives, measures of effectiveness and a clear focus for trainer, learners and managers.
Good luck?
The comments mentioned are very good. Let me just add that you should also talk about ROI (return on investement). No training manager wants to spend precious resources on some training that has little value.
You need to identify KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to make sure you know what the objectives are so then at the end of any training program you can look back and simply say, this is what we wanted to achieve and this is how far we went and so the investment was well worth it (or not if that’s the case). Then repeat the cycle for the next series of trainings.
Hope this helps.
Business Training Materials
Data focused
As it is a science-based organisation, I’d suggest you will find that they will respond most readily to a presentation based on data and measurement.