70:20:10 – is there any point in training?

What on earth does 70:20:10 mean? Expedition Organiser James Eynon delves in to the controversial model and asks whether it means training courses are not as useful as many people think… I spent some time catching up with industry forums this morning, and I noticed that many people have written about 70:20:10. Interested to learn more, I decided to […]
Microlearning: Much more than a buzzword

What is microlearning? Think of microlearning as the delivery of bite-sized training or performance support nuggets (“micro-assets”), but don’t stop there with the definition. Microlearning is more than chunked content served from a Learning Management System (LMS). It sees content delivered in short bursts, typically 1-5 minutes in duration, but in a way that adapts […]
The most read & commented TrainingZone articles in 2016

2016 was a busy year for TrainingZone, with the departure of our long-serving editor Jon Kennard in January, followed by several new content series, contributors and developments in the industry, so we thought it was time to take stock and look at some of the most popular features, blogs and discussions on the site in the past 12 […]
L&D and Google: searching for success?

Robin Hoyle is a writer, trainer and consultant. He is the author of Complete Training: from recruitment to retirement and Informal Learning in Organizations; how to create a continuous learning culture both published by Kogan Page. For 13 years, Towards Maturity has been comparing the performance of those they describe as ‘Top Deck’ learning organisations with other employers who may […]
Learning Technology Research Project 2016

What's it all about? http://www.ltrproject.com/ These days, it seems that we have the world at our fingertips – and mobile is at the forefront of the very latest learning technologies. Now the Learning Technology Research Project 2016 is giving you the chance to be part of what we hope will be the year's biggest community research […]
How to propel training into the big bad world

“The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein Einstein’s words are a variation on a well-known saying that is widely regarded as a basic educational truth. For educators the big question is: how can we achieve this in today’s digital world and turn instruction into experience? Whatever you think about the accuracy of the percentages […]
Action Based Learning: Why we have to get training out into the real world

You can teach someone about fish – how they move, where they live – and you can impart a lot of relevant knowledge. But that someone won’t become a fisherman until they’ve gone out and successfully caught a fish. Anyone involved in L&D in any of its many forms is acutely aware that people forget […]
Blending training with 70:20:10 – using the ‘3E Framework’

Most of us in the training & development profession will be familiar with the 70:20:10 ratio. Borne out of qualitative research undertaken by the Center for Creative Leadership in the 1990’s, it models how most people learn in the workplace. Essentially… 70% of learning occurs “on the job” 20% of learning occurs via interacting with […]
Let me“enter-train” you…

In a previous blog I talked about the importance of creating a “group feel” when hosting live on-line training. To access that blog click here. In this blog, I wanted to share some of the fundamental attributes of a successful virtual trainer – we sometimes call them ‘Entertrainers’. 1. They know how to deliver at […]
Is the 70/20/10 learning mix out of date?

Is this the number you are striving for in your learning strategy? According to a survey in 2014 by Lumesse, the talent software firm, fewer than 5% of companies achieve the 70:20:10 learning mix although many more are trying to achieve it. In case you haven’t come across this or have never really understood it, […]
Analysing 70/20/10: can we make a difference to the 90% of learning that we can’t control?

70/20/10 is a hot topic. In this article Jo Ayoubi, CEO of Track Surveys, shines the spotlight on the 90% of the formula that the organisation can't control, and asks to what extent we can influence this in a positive way. We’re all familiar with the 70/20/10 model of learning – it’s been around for some time, […]
Have You Asked Yourself These 5 Questions About YOUR Development?

We get so swamped in the day-to-day that our own personal development is often the first thing to fall by the wayside. It’s time to ask yourself some tough questions! We all have hopes, dreams and ideas for the future; what we would like to be doing, things we would like to have or places […]
What should a traditional training function be doing in the 21st Century to further the 70: and 20: (obviously it’s still going to do the 10)?

A traditional Training or L&D function designs and delivers training courses. But according to the 70:20:10 concept that is missing a big trick- the 70 and the 20 So what should a traditional L&D department/manager/professional be doing to get the maximum learning going when people aren't "in the classroom"? A traditional Training or L&D […]
Busting the myths of 70:20:10

Martin Baker says new research proves that 70:20:10 is not just ‘the Emperor’s new clothes’ Learning professionals are no different from anyone else in being drawn to the shiny and the new, and the 70:20:10 learning model has certainly caught our attention. But let’s get one thing straight right from the off – 70:20:10 isn’t […]
Has your organisation got social learning to work?

We’ve been experimenting with social learning and have come across a few challenges. I’d love to hear from other organisations; what has worked well and what hasn’t? Also which tools are you using? We’ve been happy with how with how our staff have engaged. But we’ve had lots of conversations with clients who struggle to […]
What is Blended Learning?

What is blended learning? When I started my career in L&D, a blended learning solution was any programme that went beyond a face-to-face event, by including a questionnaire or some pre-reading for example. Nowadays, more often than not people associate blended learning purely as any learning that has some sort of digital element to it. […]
Putting 70:20:10 into action: An interview with Charles Jennings

In the wake of the UK’s first 702010 Practitioner Programme, we put Charles Jennings in the spotlight to answer questions posed by L&D professionals. How do you get buy-in from business managers to make full use of workplace activities? Managers can have far greater impact on employee performance than HR or L&D. They do this […]
Will 2015’s best L&D practices carry over into 2016?

At this time of year, we have loads of discussions with fellow L&D professionals – customers, contacts and connections – and inevitably the conversation turns to ‘what do you expect to happen next year?’ I thought you’d be interested to see what is being said. Fascinatingly, there is some dispute especially in relation to the […]
Has anyone created a virtual learning platform for a learning community?

I’m interested in exploring, exchanging and sharing resources in the field of coaching and coaching supervision, without reinventing the wheel. I’d like to create global resource as an independent focal point of knowledge and competence, for individuals and organisations, without a ‘blue chip’ budget! I’m thinking of platforms that could engage members and experts to exchange current knowledge, best […]
Is 70:20:10 like Viagra – all hype and little effect on performance?

70:20:10 is a really interesting model for structuring learning within organisations to achieve improved performance. But the question to ask is, is there a lot of propaganda surrounding it, when the result is very little effect on performance? Of course, it is not new – I have papers relating to my great-grandfather being indentured as […]