5 Tips For Promoting Workplace Learning


When you need to make the absolute most out of your company’s presence, there are always some key strategies to execute. The best thing that you can do for yourself is build capable employees that understand how to get more positive visibility to the company. When you nurture your employees in this regard, you will have […]

Behavioural change: why growth mindset is not simply a training course


Nurturing a ‘growth mindset’ has become de rigueur in L&D circles, but many businesses are failing at it due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the core principles. Here’s how to embed the growth mindset in your organisation.  The idea of having a growth mindset (i.e. the belief that you can develop your intelligence) is a popular one. […]

Personal development: how to change behaviour sustainably


To understand how to change your behaviour in a sustainable way, you first need to appreciate your biological response and how it affects your brain.  Most people understand that our behaviour directly impacts the results we get. In dynamic and complex environments, there are some critical behaviours that enable us to collaborate better, develop higher […]

Leadership: how to develop a growth mindset at work


Leading in an unpredictable working environment requires a growth mindset. Here are five key tips to help change your thinking and develop this. Today’s volatile economic and political environment makes workplaces especially challenging. Executives who approach this with the right frame of mind will ensure their own and their organisation’s success. Previous research suggests that […]

A new way of coaching: how to reset your coachee’s operating system


In order to facilitate real, lasting change, executive coaches need to understand what drives behaviour and create the right conditions for learning to occur.   Executive coaching is no longer enough in today’s challenging, fast paced working environment. Issues like the threat of AI, economic volatility, overwhelming workloads, and gender divides means the workforce continually […]

How Freelancing Introverts Can Find Connection


The work of a freelancer is exciting and dynamic; you don’t know what the day is going to look like, and, most of the time, you don’t know what the weekly or monthly paycheck is going to look like, either (though this can certainly not be exciting. I feel fortunate to experience the best of both […]

7 Ways To Cultivate Innovation In the Workplace


Implementing organizational innovation can seem like an arduous process. In a fast paced work environment, expediency often takes precedence over restructuring. But in a world that’s growing ever more competitive, innovation is a must. Finding a fresh approach can strengthen your workplace culture, ensure the quality of your products, and ultimately lead to greater profits. […]

Sentenced to life-long learning – and what a great thing it is


Life-long learning doesn’t just happen – time needs to be carved out and motivation needs to be sustained. Have you got what it takes? A life sentence might sound pretty onerous and negative. But so can the notion of “learning for life”. It’s something that we may pay lip service to but do we actually do […]

The Name of the Game


As you might have guessed, this insight has been inspired by ABBA. I have unashamedly loved ABBA since I was 5. Even when I was enough of a Rock Chick for Bruce Dickinson to ask me to be in one of his videos (long, but true, story), I still loved ABBA. I have enjoyed watching […]

How to Manage an Under-performing Employee


Every successful manager needs to learn how to deal with underperforming employees at some point in their career. Unfortunately, some of them will act emotionally and create an even bigger issue. Decreased productivity will negatively affect the growth of the company and HR professionals should do everything in their power to prevent it. There are […]

Seeing the Problem


Imagine the scene, the trainer is opening a training session for L&D professionals and explaining what to do if the fire alarm goes off. Trainer: “The fire exit is there” (points to the door). Trainer: “If the fire alarm goes off, head through the door and go that way“ (points left).Trainer: “You’ll see an archway, so head […]

How To Bring Positive Psychology To Your Workplace


Developing a healthy work environment is one of the most important responsibilities of any business manager or professional concerned about their future. Still, many don’t know where to begin when it comes to bringing positive psychology to their workplaces, and struggle with getting into a healthy mood that can make them more productive. Luckily for […]

Leadership: how to create a learning culture from the top down


A learning culture can only really exist when it’s authentic and when leaders and senior managers set the tone. Let’s get one thing straight – a company’s culture cannot be manufactured. Saying that you want your culture to be a certain way doesn’t make it a reality, which is why when I hear companies saying […]

Are you ready for industry 4.0 and learning through technological change?


Technology is moving fast, which means its more important than ever before to upskill your team and ensure your business is ready for industry 4.0. We’re currently in a period of rapid technological and social change, where artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and automation are fast becoming cornerstones of the new working environment. In manufacturing, […]

Why building a learning culture should start from the bottom up


Today’s ‘always on’ digital environment presents more opportunities than ever before for organisations to involve their employees in facilitating change in their learning culture. Traditionally, developing a learning culture would be treated like any other boardroom project – pushed down from the top with everything delivered as part of a formal framework with clear boundaries. […]

Building your psyche for financial success


Your personality carries over into the way you think and everything that you do — especially finances. If you’re on the entrepeneur journey and need to be sure that you’re earning profits and growing, it pays to get your spending habits in check. The more that you know about your psyche, the easier it’ll be […]

My expectations are too high. How do I lower them?


A client at the iNLP Center said the following (and I got permission to post this): I’m a big dreamer. I always imagine myself being very successful if I take a certain path but I when I fail I get very disappointed when I don’t meet those exceptions. How can I lower my expectations? Here’s how […]

What is learning culture and can we change it?


What defines culture is the visible behaviours that occur within an organisation. Many organisations claim to have a ‘learning culture’, but there’s often a gap between what they want to happen and how people conduct themselves day-to-day. Some organisations seem to be more amenable to their team members developing their skills than others.   Despite […]