Boosting risk awareness


Risk awareness hasn’t always had a good press. Sadly, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) appear to have dropped the myth busters section of their website as that gave some great examples of incorrect pronouncements in the name of health and safety. But it is probably fair to say that over the years some practices […]

Why we need ethical leaders


To lead with the type of compassion and insight that the world needs, leaders have to understand themselves and others – they have to be ethical.

5 Misconceptions that Block People from Learning


Have you ever felt frustrated when you shared a book with someone only for them to dismiss it? Or recommended an online course or explained a concept only to have it ignored? It’s a puzzle when there are answers available that can solve people’s problems only for them to reject these ideas because of misconceptions. […]

This is our Pride


Jack Mizel, Pride365 CEO and LGBT+ activist, shares his Pride journey and urges us to use meaningful DEI discourse to make the world a better place.

Reassessing unconscious bias


No matter how much equality, inclusion, and unconscious bias training you run there is one area which may be letting you down. Almost invisible and taken for granted, your internal processes and computer algorithms may not be as even handed as you would like to think. Trusting that algorithms are unbiased is an easy assumption […]

Towards equality of opportunity


At the time of writing International Women’s day is being celebrated across the globe. Under the theme ‘break the bias,’ the day gives us all a chance to reflect on whether conscious or unconscious bias is contributing to a world in which equal opportunity is not universal. In the UK we have seen some positives. […]