4 tips to prevent camera shyness in video training


Camera shyness is a widely known problem, which can be very unpleasant. People who see themselves on video may react with “do I really sound like this?” or even something more negative. In online training this can happen directly after a training exercise. A reaction like this is common because your brain, while watching yourself […]

Boris, a Thai Cave Rescue and Common Goals


Last week (before England’s victories over Colombia and then Sweden) I wrote about the great team that Gareth Southgate had put together. I made the point then that success is less about individual performance than it is about effective teamwork. Successful teams share common values and, more importantly perhaps, a common goal. They believe in, and […]

10 Tips To Improve Your Design Skills


Graphic designers around the globe come from different walks of life. Some discover this passion quite early and take-up professional courses or certifications, while some are self-taught who start with logo designing or social media graphic designing. While the later didn’t choose a more formal training route, it doesn’t imply that their expertise or portfolios […]

Spaced learning: the key to better training


Have you ever finished a season of a series in a short period of time? That’s called binge watching and it is a popular pastime. ‘Binge learning’, however, is less recommended. Not only because it might be less fun than watching series, but mostly because it is not really an effective way of learning. Instead […]

Unbelievable Benefits of Off-the-Job Training


Today is all about off-the-job training and the benefits it can bring to your business. Off-the-job training is staff training away from the usual work environment. It comes in a variety of forms such as open courses which are day releases to training venues, but it can also be in-house training in a meeting room away from the office. […]

4 Tips Beginning Freelancers Should Know


It’s no secret that I love freelancing. Who wouldn’t? The freedom, the different sources of income, the inadvertent sense of power and control I have in setting my own hours, rates, and even clients. With that said, freelancing is undoubtedly not for the faint of heart, and if you’re looking for an easy escape route from working […]

Is The Cloud-First Approach Right For You?


We all know that cloud computing represents the technology of both the present and the future. It creates flexibility, enhances and streamlines technological processes, and can actually save organizations significant money. But, is the cloud-first approach, which is anticipated to explode in corporate growth within the next few years, right for all business infrastructures? Or, […]

4 Steps to Increase Website Functionality


If a picture tells a thousand words, how many do a website design and successful advertising campaign make? A couple thousand? A million? We all know that digital marketing represents the backbone of any successful business. With that said, a successful strategy requires thoughtful and meticulous planning. Hone in On Your Audience If you can’t […]

5 Crushing Tips for Working Remotely


Research estimates that upwards of 58% of the U.S workforce will be freelancing and working remotely by 2028. That’s a staggering number, and it’s one that both employers and employees need to adequately prepare for. While working remotely has its obvious perks, it comes with numerous challenges as well. Let’s get into what you need […]

Training in the digital age: outdated or essential


Technological developments and changes in the workplace contribute to an increasingly dynamic working environment. Employees are bombarded with emails, messages and other impulses. Less time remains to keep skills and knowledge on a sufficient level. Find out why, especially in this time, it is important to keep hold of your training. The overwhelmed employee A recent […]

4 issues faced by today’s training professionals


The 4 Biggest Challenges Faced By Training Companies Last year, we shared the top 4 challenges faced by training companies. The top 4 were:  #1 Increasing costs #2 Growing competition in the training industry #3 Lack of business visibility #4 Inconsistent training experiences With the ever changing training landscape, have the same concerns remained or […]

The Cloud-First Approach & Your Business


We all know that cloud computing represents the technology of both the present and the future. It creates flexibility, enhances and streamlines technological processes, and can actually save organizations money. Furthermore, it can be part of a comprehensive plan for your business’s IT due diligence strategy.  But, is the  cloud-first approach, which is anticipated to explode […]

LTEM: A new style of evaluating training programs


How do you evaluate a training program? The Kirkpatrick’s model has been used often since the 1960s. However, this model is way too old, states Dr. Will Thalheimer. It results in a checklist approach to evaluation and because of that it misses the true purpose. For the modern world he designed the Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model (LTEM), which states that […]

5 Benefits of Hiring an Agile Coach


Is your organization transitioning to agile software development? Whether you’re in the beginning, middle, or even the latent stages of this movement, it’s common to feel uncertain and frustrated by the process. With that said, a qualified agile coach can help your organization succeed within this uncharted territory.  Let’s get into the advantages you should know.  […]

Breaking Through Procrastination: 4 Tips to Know


You know that saying,  I’ll work on my procrastination, tomorrow?  It’s definitely applicable, right? In fact, as I’m writing this on procrastination right now, I have multiple tabs open on my computer, I just checked my phone, and I’m fighting off my brain telling me to grab another cup of coffee. Call it a generational […]

How are training companies preparing for GDPR?


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to training companies from May 25th, 2018. With less than a month to go, now is the perfect time to ensure that training organisations are ready for the deadline. We have recently held a webiner on how training companies can ensure that they are prepared. Watch now: https://www.accessplanit.com/gdpr-a-checklist-for-training-companies-webinar The webinar: Walks […]

4 Unexpected Freelancing Expenses To Know


If you manage your own business, you understand the financial and emotional risks associated with your initial startup costs, budgeting ebbs and flows, and general marketing methods. Entrepreneurship is never for the faint of heart; it’s a dynamic labor of love, one that a person shouldn’t do just because they’re interested in seeing if they can […]

How the GDPR will impact training professionals


The GDPR comes into force on 25th May 2018 – so you’ll need to ensure your L&D department or training organisation is fully compliant on that date.  So, what is the GDPR? The GDPR is an EU directive. That means, come deadline day, the GDPR will automatically become law across all 28 countries in Europe. […]

Why Equality Matters


All too often, the news reports that fill our screens are tales where something bad has happened, so it is lovely when a genuinely heart warming tale goes viral that reminds us all of the capacity we all have to make a positive difference to others, especially when they really need it. One such tale […]

A Belbin Team Role Guide to Snow


I couldn’t resist – this has just been played out in front of me! The Resource Investigator is out immediately to film the snow falling to upload on to their Instagram/Twitter/Facebook account. It’s snnnnooooowwwwwwwwing! The excitement is palpable. The Teamworker is ensuring that everyone can get home OK – best leave now if you’re feeling nervous about driving in the […]