Triad structures, goal setting and the positives of frustration

Another week, another round-up of the freshest L&D news, thinking and ideas! Take a look below and get some insight today. Skills Feeling Frustrated Isn’t All Bad — It’s a Sign of Growth (Frank Calman, Chief Learning Officer) How to Identify Skill Gaps in Your Company? A 5-Step Process (Karla Gutierrez, Shift) Developing leaders: what really works? […]
How to use apps to encourage collaboration and engagement in the workplace

Let’s face it, your staff probably spend a lot of time on their mobile phones, and there is not much you can do about it. Studies have shown that people are spending up to five hours a day on their smartphones, while a third of us keep our phones by our bedside so that we […]
MBTI Team Building Activities

I am working with a team of senior managers who have done an MBTI workshop and have decided their Best Fit types. They therefore already have an understanding of each of the separate dichotomies. I have one hour to deliver an activity focusing on understanding their team as a whole, their strengths and blind spots and […]
Will AI send us hurtling towards ‘learning magnolia?’

At the Learning Technologies Conference and Exhibition last week there was much excited talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI). I suspect many of those in attendance have a vague inkling of AI but pretty little else. What really is AI? If you’re not entirely sure, Artificial Intelligence is the ability of computers to ‘learn’ how to do things. This […]
“I WAS a “Linkedin Lurker”…

"Hello, I'm Ade. I WAS a "Linkedin Lurker". It's Social Media group therapy night here in Shropshire! I've just stood up. My fellow trainers and I are discussing the pros and cons of digital marketing for our training companies. The results are in… Carol enjoys Twitter. It's simple and straightforward. She Tweets like a crazed canary with moments […]
Confidence when meeting customers!

Hi All I've recently been asked to design a half day workshop for staff moving into a new building. They are used to interviewing customers on some quite sensitive issues in very formal meeting rooms. Now they will be required to complete these interviews in "meeting pods" in a large open plan office. Their manager is […]
How to get off your smartphone and start being super-productive

We live inside our smartphones. I can’t be the only one to be aware, every time I walk down the street, commuting or just at my local sports club, that most of the time we are completely bound up in our devices. Our smartphones have become Swiss army knife–like appliances that include a dictionary, calculator, […]
How to break down persistent silos and connect your organisation – is L&D helping or hindering?

A recent study of over 500 HR managers showed that silo working continues to hold organisations back and that our approach to talent development is perpetuating, rather than solving, the issue. Silos are nothing new, and an understanding of their impact on organisational performance is widely recognised. So why do we continue to experience them, […]
Lost at Sea Copywrite?

This exercise has been around for ages now and I've seen it used loads, but does anyone know who owns the copywrite for Lost at Sea? I want to do the right thing with regards crediting the owner etc, but I cannot find anything concrete (Google seach is inconclusive). Cheers lovely people. This exercise has […]
Communication Styles

Hi I am running a workshop and I would like to include a communiations style questionnaire that includes passive and aggressive behaviour. Do any of my colleagues out there have one that they could share or one that they could recommend please? Many thanks Pauline HiI am running a workshop and I would like to include a […]
The social side of L&D: Why bringing your whole self to social will make you stand out

As a mum of a seven year-old-boy, I’ve recently been fielding a new experience in motherhood. In addition to the myriad of sports balls and legos, there’s something new in my son’s school bag – homework. I get it. My son’s school teacher is stewarding the daily development of a dozen seven year-olds and needs […]
Training introductions – like “creeping death”?!

My partner is a great advocate for training! "I hate that bit at the start where we all have to say who we are and what we do." I can empathise. I'm self-employed and not a huge fan of networking meetings where each entrepreneur stands up and does their sixty-second "pitch". It's like "creeping death" around the […]
Politician leadership analysis: Tony Blair

“Just call me Tony,” said Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in 1997 opening his first cabinet meeting, setting the tone for a more relaxed, affable style of leadership. Almost 20 years on, amidst endless speculation on Blair’s leadership decisions as a PM and his post leadership business ventures, and the man the New York Times branded […]
Governing social media

The social media world has transformed the way in which we view and consume news. We now look for instant information and instant updates and are far happier to click on a link than to wait for a letter to arrive in the post. It is not simply news which is affected by this communication […]
How to sell yourself as a business coach or trainer on LinkedIn

Let’s be clear from the start – LinkedIn is primarily a relationship and reputation building platform, not a sales vehicle. The word “sell” in the title is used in the sense that one would sell oneself in an interview as opposed to selling one’s services. Using LinkedIn as a sales megaphone for promoting and advertising […]
Embracing sociability

“Man is by nature a social animal.” Don’t take my word for it; that comment came from Aristotle and it has been echoed by philosophers and psychologists across the generations. Making his remark Aristotle went on to comment that society is something that precedes the individual, again highlighting the fact that people by nature work […]
MBTI Activities

I am running a team building workshop for a small marketing team and would like some ideas for exercises and activities looking at the whole type and type dynamics. I have heard about a desert island and space survival challenge that I would love to see if anyone has as well as other activities. Everyone in the team has already […]
International recruitment: how to help new employees adjust

We recently undertook a survey of HRs in the international recruitment sector. The study found that nearly half of HR managers included in the research struggled to onboard candidates. Surprisingly, the biggest problems HRs faced wasn’t in talent acquisition itself, but the adjustment phase that follows. The most commonly cited problems were with settling in (46%), […]
How important is your Social Media “image”?

Hi all, I'm fascinated as to whether there's any psychology behind Social Media profile pics and how people react to them? Does your profile picture say a lot about you? How important is "image" to your role or your training business, particularly on Training Zone and Linkedin, professional networking platforms? I see some folk and […]
Establishing and Training on Company Culture

If you want your company to have any type of long-term success, you will need to institute an overarching corporate culture and have everyone buy into it. The culture that you set will establish what your brand does and hopes to achieve. It will also help employees, clients and vendors live those values in everything […]