3 ways to boost engagement in online training

By default, mandatory training, or mandatory anything for that matter, is not fun. And probably, at least some of your participants were mandated to follow your training. Having them show up for a live training session in which they have no other choice than to participate is one thing. But how do you motivate them […]
Getting ready for your elearning project

Hurray! Your project has been approved. The content is ready to go, project team ready, supplier ready. You feel like you’ve been developing the project for weeks already! There can be a rush to get things done. You might be under pressure to ‘get me a screen’ or ‘get a script’. You've not started but […]
6 Things Need to Consider Before Choosing an LMS

Educational institutions and training organizations are relying increasingly on learning management systems to better meet their goals and objectives. With a rising demand for online distance learning and greater mobile accessibility, LMS tools can provide such organizations with exceptional leverage to drive higher value and business growth. That said, organizations should be careful about which […]
Is virtual reality making a comeback in education?

The concept of an alternate existence has been in the talking for generations. Call it time travel or teleporting, we have, at some level, always been fascinated by an experience that allows us to be transported anywhere without actually ‘going’ anywhere. It is the foresight of a few visionaries that has laid the foundation of […]
Rapid Learning: All Υou Νeed to know

Check out the infographic below to learn what rapid learning (or rapid elearning development) is and some of the best practice recommendations. Let us know what you think in the comments below. Check out the infographic below to learn what rapid learning (or rapid elearning development) is and some of the best practice recommendations.Let us know what […]
Why You Need To Invest In Leadership Training

Organizations that invest in leadership training can retain employees and reduce costly recruitment expenses. Quality leadership is a combination of the right qualities and the right training. Why Leadership Training Is Worth Investing In It is said that effective management has the biggest impact on business success. Managers set the tone for behavioral standards and […]
Storyline’s secret weapon: using variables to supercharge your interactivity

Understand exactly what variables are and how they can super-charge how you implement your instructional design thinking. In the previous article in this series, I mentioned that some of the most powerful features you can find in an authoring tool tend to be buried away, meaning lots of people simply don’t know they exist. In […]
Using Storyline: re-imagining tasks and activities with freeform interactions

Use Storyline’s freeform interactions to create virtually any kind of activity you like, with any objects you like and ‘attach’ the interaction functionality you want to that activity In the first article in this series, I mentioned how lots of authoring tools (both good ones and bad) can limit your instructional design thinking and creativity. […]
All in the planning: using Masters & Layouts in Storyline to reduce design time

You have probably heard of master slides. But you might not know much about the layouts sitting just below the master slide. In this article discover exactly what masters and layouts are and how to fully exploit their power in Storyline. Many people are familiar with the idea of a software template. This is a […]
Is your authoring tool holding you back?

For too long, legacy authoring tools have constrained how most people think about e-learning and what it can achieve. With a new breed of authoring tools emerging, now is the time to liberate your instructional design thinking and leave these out-dated restrictions behind. Increasingly, if you are working in a learning and development role associated […]
e-learning is dead boring!

Stop trying to make e-learning sound like something it's not… Yeah, it sounded dead good back in the day. Sit in your jim-jams with a glass of wine on a Friday night and learn about how to administer medication in care homes, for example. The reality for some learners? I'll click…click…click through those questions! I'm […]
6 Key Blended Learning Benefits For Corporate Training

“To blend, or not to blend?” – is this your question? Or, perhaps, you ask it this way, “what training strategy is the most effective for our business needs?” Whichever way you ask, the answer just might be that you need a mix of training strategies to deliver the best result and blended learning could be […]
Should keeping up with online applications & tools constitute ‘lifelong learning?’

Lifelong learning is nothing new, although thanks to rapid technological advancements, many of us are finding ourselves constantly having to learn and evolve in order to maintain our effectiveness as employees. There are three main types of learning: formal, non-formal and informal. Much of our formal learning is done in schools, colleges and universities, before […]
eLearning vs gamification

Our Business Development Manager recently wrote a blog post titled 'eLearning vs Gamification: Which Is Right For You?' which got me thinking if gamification is commercially viable for training companies? I would be interested to hear of any experiences or opinions on this topic. Let me know in the discussion section below or on the blog. […]
How To Design an E-course That Delivers Results

E-courses have become quite a hype lately – they are cheaper to deliver, could be used with larger audiences and taken by the participants at any paste and any time. While developing an e-course is similar to developing a regular course or in-house training in many ways, there are certainly some specifics you should mind. […]
History and trends of learning management system [Infographic]

Online education isn’t the newest trend in the world, but it’s been evolving quickly and thoroughly. The following infographic highlights the key e-Learning history facts starting from the introduction of the computer and the Internet in the late 20th century. Also, you can learn the evolution of Learning Management Systems (LMS) described by Bersin and […]
So you want to be an eLearning Developer?

I was sitting in a cafe yesterday when I came across a meme on Tumblr that had me literally LOL-ing. In response to the question “Why do you want this job?”, the job applicant responded, “I’ve just always been very passionate about not starving to death”. Although I’ve been working happily in the e-Learning Development […]
Survey Results: Key trends in the training industry

As a training software supplier, it is critical to continuously find out more about how training companies undertake their key business processes and the influence of automation within the training industry. We conducted a recent survey to gauge the current trends in the industry today. The survey was carried out with a selection of training companies […]
From F2F to Faster Pace: Moving Into Elearning

This article aims to combine the ideas and trends of adding eLearning as a strategic new business revenue stream. It discusses the advantages of transitioning from traditional face-to-face-delivered training to a truly eLearning-based, eCommerce-delivered online learning experience. Setting Some types of training are suited to face-to-face delivery only: Health & Safety, Industrial Driver training, […]
5 tips for finding the right e-training partner

When you have made the step towards partial or complete online training for your organisation, you don't want to end up with the wrong partner. A training programme is an intensive cooperation and a lack of research significantly decreases the success rate. Thoroughly investigate if a potential partner meets your standards, features and support requirements. […]