Pride 2022: Above all, do no harm


Pride 2022: Raf Uzar explores how we must follow the Hippocratic Oath in doing no harm to protect employees and allow everyone to be their true selves at work.

A cloudy IT vision obscures customer needs


As directors you don’t need to know much about the technical side of your business; you can leave all of that to the IT department. Right? Well no, actually very wrong. Yes there are some areas which you can reasonably be expected to delegate. For example, if the server ‘falls over’ or some new code […]

The End of War


  As another war commences, led by a petulant prideful man who has failed himself, his nation and the world, it is time for us all to take this travesty as another cue to collectively raise our game. For a war such as this will echo trauma and fear through the consciousness of generations for […]