Cultivate a culture of workplace innovation


What exactly is it that drives businesses forward? In most cases, it’s your people and innovation. A bright spark that is formed, developed and workshopped until becoming a fully tangible concept, eventually generating revenue and new markets – is the nirvana. But both your people and their innovation need to be nurtured, which was complex […]

Positives of Learning From Mistakes as a Leader


Making mistakes has become somewhat synonymous with failure and that it is wrong for mistakes to have been committed, but from making mistakes you can accelerate your learning and resilience as a business owner and leader, and even thrive from there on because of them.  The pandemic has been the catalyst for so many businesses […]

Money laundering, bribery and corporate liability


“Although there are no exact figures there is a realistic possibility that the scale of money laundering impacting the UK annually is in the hundreds of billions of pounds.” That quote from the National Crime Agency’s website starkly underlines the importance of anti-money-laundering training across UK businesses. [1] And whilst finance, accounting, legal and property […]

G.R.O.W Your Coaching With A Competency Framework


GROW is a simple but effective framework that helps your coachee understand where their development needs are and the actions, and path, they need to take to reach the their goal. Firstly, what does GROW stand for? G stands for GOAL R is for Reality O is for Options W is for the Will to […]

Leading people into the new era!


How learning can provide an anchor for leaders in uncertainty Our working practices have been irreversibly changed as a result of the pandemic. At a structural level, more organisations have announced that they’re moving towards hybrid and flexible models of working than ever before. Psychologically, the changing world has and will continue to impact many […]

Strategic Alignment of Learning Programmes


Strategic alignment, which aligns learning programmes with the business needs and objectives, is universally considered among the top challenges for learning and development professionals. Strategic alignment involves starting with the end in mind, determining the performance objectives of the learning programmes, and then designing and delivering training to achieve those specific objectives. To master strategic […]

Conscious Leadership in 2021


The world is crying out for Conscious Leaders who are aware, awake, and connected as they rise to the challenges of our times.   For millennia, human beings have embarked on journeys of self-discovery, pursuing knowledge, power, health, wealth, purpose, happiness and excellence. The human drive to look outwards, go further, run faster and build taller […]

Ordinary People. Who?


Ordinary People: It’s a phrase we see/hear all the time and it really bugs me. I most recently spotted it in response to a post about meeting Richard Branson, where someone had commented:   “Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. To me the best leaders are also great people who make time for ordinary people.” […]

The 9-5 Office – Why I’m Backing the Alternative


The battle has commenced between those advocating more remote working after the pandemic and those wanting people to return to the office. Take this recent article on the BBC news website, for example, in which Paul Swinney, spokesperson for Centre for Cities, says he is “quite hopeful that we will see people return five days […]