“Theft is theft. So sack ’em, right?”

Theft is a severe offence and is normally viewed as gross misconduct at work. The outcome seems pretty clear (after the obligatory disciplinary procedure). Take the the theft of a laptop from the office. It’s high value; the evidence is caught on CCTV; there’s reliable evidence to suggest that the employee sold the laptop at […]
8 L&D trends you can’t ignore

Like any other field, Learning & Development has been influenced a lot by the omnipresence of smartphones nowadays. But there are more factors that are growing in importance, according to research by Deloitte. What are the most important L&D trends at this moment? Deloitte interviewed hundreds of managers, who identified several trends coming from the […]
Please participate in training cancellation survey

Roger Mason recently posted a question about training cancellations. The question generated much interest and led me to develop a survey on the subject. I’ll highlight the survey results in an article I am writing on the subject to be published in TrainingZone in late January. So, I request that you take five minutes to […]
Five coaching suggestions for engaging millennials

Millennials are a breed apart. They’ve grown up with a different set of values, different technologies and different expectations from all of those who came before. The result? They expect different things. This means that in order to motivate them during coaching, you’ve got to do things a little differently. Not drastically differently, mind you. […]
Views on Elliot Jaques’ Requisite Organization?

Is anyone using Elliot Jaques' Requisite Organization work in Organisational Development or Talent Management? I have a client who is very much into it, but I can't find out much about it on the Internet. The Wikipedia page says, "The approach is somewhat controversial since some of Jaques' conclusions about organizations run counter to the […]
Looking for – Leadership Development South Africa

Am looking for a Leadership Trainer based in Jo-Burg South Africa. To deliver a 1 day team build – aim is to get the small management team to work together (different personalities) Am fully aware that it'll take more than a 'workshop' to get them working well together, but looking for an external resourse to […]
Get the most out of your First Line Managers!

Considered as one of the most effective routes to driving up employee engagement, First Line Manager development provides immediate business payback by impacting performance, customer service, innovation, commitment and quality. It is thought to be vital to assist First Line Managers (FLM’s) in developing good habits during the first stages of their career in order […]
Passwords aren’t going anywhere: How to stay safe

With so much in the news about hacking disasters – it's time that we all got clued up on what is and what isn't a safe online password. I had a chat with one of QA's cyber security trainers to find out what he knows. In a nutshell, passwords are not going away just yet, so it's […]
Thinking Strategically Team Day

I am planning a workshop for a group of senior managers focusing on how their work and the work they delegate to their team members feeds into the team strategy and bigger picture of the organisation. Any activities around ensuring objectives are totally inclusive of the strategy and mutually exclusive (I. e. understanding their individual role and how it […]
Return to Work Interviews: what HR is doing right (and wrong)

Records indicate that the greater completion of Return to Work Interviews (RTWIs), the lower overall absence rates are. But many organisations fail to achieve a high RTWI compliance because their line managers are either: A) poor at the process or B) lack the confidence to talk to their staff about sensitive health issues. You could […]
Book Review: The Step-Up Mindset for New Managers

This self development guide for new managers has been written by Margo Manning asnd will prove very helpful not only to the new manager but as a reminder or refresher to any manager. It is well strucutured and can be used as a self development tool working methodically from Chapter one through to Chapter 11, […]
Why employee autonomy means giving up control

"Why would I want to do that?" He’s the CEO of a venerable Canadian institution and right now he’s not impressed by my suggestion. By the tone of his voice you’d think I’d said he should give all his employees a 100% pay rise and six months paid holiday a year. In fact, I’ve suggested allowing […]
How can feedback affect reward & recognition?

An active and positive feedback culture is integral to modern businesses; I covered the basics of why and how to boost a feedback culture based on praise in my last article. Once your company has started giving more frequent feedback, you may be wondering how this new system will impact reward and career progression decisions. You may […]
Running a Team

One of my favourite things about my job is that there is no end to the experiences that demonstrate ways that I can do it better. Last weekend was no exception. That said, I would prefer it if these experiences did not often involve a 6am alarm call on a Sunday morning… So why did […]
What’s your opinion?

What are the five "must have" skills for an L&D professional to exhibit in order to:- >maintain credibility with customers/line managers, >build credibility with learners >facilitate learning? You don't have to give five…just your persoanl top ones. Rus What are the five "must have" skills for an L&D professional to exhibit in order to:->maintain credibility […]
4 effective applications of HR analytics for the L&D manager

The new HRM gold is called HR analytics. However, basing decisions on valuable insights from ‘big data’ has already been growing in mostly larger organizations for years. For HR and more specifically Learning and Development, lots of opportunities still exist, though. How can a L&D manager derive a strategic advantage from HR analytics? After a […]
Coffee briefing: Design thinking, leadership training and the bad side to getting a PhD

Welcome to another of our weekly round-ups of news and opinion from across the L&D industry. We'd love to know what you think of the articles we've shared, or let us know what you've found interesting this week in the comments below. Strategy – Looking ahead to #LearningLive 2016 (Kate Graham blog) – In praise of […]
Costing Training design & development after conducting Training Needs Analysis

There are many ways to decide on the cost of training design & development, for example; Chapman, B. (2010). How Long Does it Take to Create Learning? [Research Study]. Published by Chapman Alliance LLC. www.chapmanalliance.com But that assumes that you are starting from scratch. If however, you have completed a full Training Needs Analysis (TNA) […]
Why employees resign: recognising disengagement, and what to do about it

Martin Baker is the Chief Executive of the Corporate eLearning Consortium. He’s recognised as being one of the top ten most influential people working in learning technologies in the UK. Here he shares an analysis from the Toolkit for Managers on the work of Leigh Branham – a key contributor to the debate on employee […]
How Toyota Trained GM: An Example of the Value of Company Culture

Company culture is difficult to define, but it can make a massive difference in how competitive a company can be and whether they can remain dominant for an extended period of time. When a company can survive varying economic environments, expand into new markets, replace its leading officers, and still thrive, it is likely because […]