Insight: A quarter of UK workers suffer from uninspiring managers


As post summer holiday blues sets in as we return to our desks from breaks away, nearly a quarter (24%) of the UK workforce – 7.2m – are feeling the effects of uninspiring leaders in the workplace, according to new research by Investors in People, the standard for people management. Despite the importance of leading from the front, over […]

How to retain great middle managers through better succession planning


What’s the succession plan for your business? Dominique Jones gives us some insight into the process. In a recent survey of 450 European organisations [1], almost half (48%) stated that ‘building a strong leadership team’ and ‘line management training’ (45%) were major challenges. This is against a backdrop of only one in five organisations being […]

Line Managers – The Credibility Question


Becoming a manager of people is probably, for most of us, the biggest single change that occurs in our working lives. I can remember very clearly my first day as a line manager. To be honest, I felt a bit of a fraud as my team gathered around me for the first time. Many of […]

What are the factors of successful talent management?

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Hesketh Emden talk to GivebackUK about the hot button topic of talent. GivebackUK is a not for profit organisation creating a FREE online video learning library for the UK’s third sector – a potential audience of more than 13 million staff and volunteers. Find out more about GivebackUK here Hesketh Emden talk to GivebackUK about the […]

How to recruit top talent


Janice Haddon gives us some great tips about how to hire the best – and what to do to keep them. Just how do you attract the best of the best into your business? Many organisations are now making recruitment their top focus for their HR teams. In recent research, 39% of businesses put recruiting […]

How to manage ambiguity and uncertainty – the role of executive education


William Hurst navigates us through the VUCA world of L&D. One of the most distinguishing skills of a company executive and leader is managing uncertainty, ambiguity and therefore complexity. Managing complexity is not just a fashionable topic but a key organisational plus that needs to be mastered by any top manager. To understand why this is […]

How to sell a mentoring initiative to the finance department


Thinking of investing in mentoring? Don’t delay in reading this piece from Nick Williams. Workplace mentoring initiatives are often seen as a luxury, rather than a necessity. Whilst they can provide invaluable support in employees’ professional development, it’s likely that you’ll have a fight on your hands when it comes to getting the budget for […]

ACL Exercise


Hello I am in the process of developing an Introduction to Management course for employees who are considering that nest step into management. As part of the course I would like to use the ACL model and am looking for ideas for exercises to demonstrate this. Can any of you help Thanks Helen Richardson […]

Training support for senior managers – what needs to change?


Insynergi’s Eddie Kilkelly highlights the need for training at every level of business. Senior Responsible Owners (SROs) have high-level accountability when it comes to programme and project management in an organisation. Not all will have the same range of experiences as there are a number of ways by which SROs reach this position of seniority. […]

How to deal with difficult people


They're everywhere, but they don't have to be viewed with such trepidation, writes Gary Wyles. We’ve all had this – the sinking feeling in the pit of our stomach knowing that we have to confront poor behaviour by difficult employees. And it’s even worse for HR and training departments. Many managers think that issues such […]

L&D news round-up: 28 May


News time! After a two week holiday-induced hiatus, here’s a bumper round-up of all the good L&D, skills and tech stories from around the web. Learning Career Skills in High School – The Wall Street Journal Out of Africa: e-learning makes further education a reality for tens of thousands – The Guardian The future of Britain? floating […]

Five reasons people don’t complete their professional development plans


Stephanie Morgan takes a look at the reasons PDP’s are being avoided and how to resolve the problems. It’s a frustrating situation to be in. As a manager, you’ve worked closely with your team to create individual professional development plans aiming to increase their skills and overall performance. But, when it comes to review stage […]

How to manage outsiders


How can you manage an outsider? Get that wrong and you may have a disruptive presence on your hands – one ultimately requiring removal. Get it right, however, and he or she could become your most innovative and productive employee. Robert Kelsey gives us a few words of advice.   I was an outsider. I […]

Why leading remote teams isn’t difficult anymore


For more and more businesses today, a flexible workforce that is linked only by technology is now a reality. Bostjan Bregar gives us advice to keep everyone, remote or otherwise – engaged. Many teams that work together daily may never be in the same location together, but actually these companies that have embraced a flexible […]

Four secrets of successfully outsourcing L&D


Can’t build your learning strategy in-house? Follow Danny Roberts’s outsourcing tips. Although there is plenty of evidence that implementing learning and development initiatives benefits companies, the fact remains that many companies lack the infrastructure and general knowledge needed when it comes to actually producing a workable, measurable plan. If this is the case within your company, […]

Coaching models explored: FUEL


Tim Hawkes of Unlimited Potential gives us the next model in his compelling and exhaustive series. Here’s one that came to my attention recently. It can be found in its original form in the book ‘The Extraordinary Coach: How the Best Leaders Help Others Grow’ by John H Zenger and Kathleen Stinnet. This is the FUEL […]

How Management Can Motivate Non Performer Employee


You might find it hard to believe, but only 25% of all employees in the United States of America are actually motivated to give their best at work. The other 75% are not just unmotivated, but also unproductive to some extent. With such numbers, it is easy to realize how low your business stands. On […]

Infographic: 2015 resolutions for managers


It may be February but it's never too late to improve your working practices to try and be better at your job. Those good people at GoodPractice sent us this nice infographic with some tips we could all use in our workflow.  For further information on the bespoke products GoodPractice offer to Learning and Development […]

L&D news round-up: 5 Feb


Yes you guessed it – news time. Heavy on the skills news, and the um, octopus news this week. Skills gap must be closed before it becomes a full-blown crisis – Gazette Live There it is again.  Doctors urge caution over proposals to shorten training time – The Guardian How many more ‘efficiency savings’ can be made? […]