Harnessing personal power for effective coaching

Why knowledge is power and personal power is at the heart of coaching
Insights from The Coaching habit

The Coaching Habit subtitled — Say, less, ask more and change the way you lead forever written by Michael Bungay Stanier is one of those books you have in your personal library that you keep going back to. I have written about this book in various forms over the years since I bought it because it is one of the […]
Skills are the new currency and managers are the new brokers

The importance of managers in prioritising skills building in teams cannot be understated
The skills taxonomy: A foundation for generative capability

Skills taxonomies are an effective vehicle for driving a competitive edge.
Training managers: How empowerment can crack the code

A fine balance of communication, respect and freedom are needed to create good managers.
Ten ways to use coaching and mentoring as effectively as possible

Coaching and mentoring are crucial to leadership development and must be clearly defined and prioritised
How do the stories we tell influence the coaching culture we get?

Negative stories can kill company culture while those that resonate help shape positive experiences
Nine ways to stop working mums from walking out the door

A recent report busts the myth that women don’t want to go back to work after having children. But business barriers are getting in their way.
British Army leadership: 7 workplace applications

The British Army leadership code is a compilation of battle-tested tested leadership and management practices which have a basis in academic study and are supported as being effective by undeniable evidence from history. But how are they relevant to you? In this post I will go through each of the seven army leadership practices (remembered […]
Why managers are failing to coach teams

Research from Huthwaite International shows ineffective coaching practices dominate among managers and their teams. How can we tackle this?
Why burnout is a learning and development issue

Tanya Boyd discusses the issue of burnout in the workplace and argues why it is an area of concern for learning and development.
Why forward-thinking leaders need to adopt different vantage points

Leaders need to start capitalising on the unique positions that they find themselves in.
Stop ridiculing order-takers in learning and development

L&D professionals need to shake off the stigma of being order-takers, says Sheridan Webb.
‘In the moment’ coaching: How can managers encourage it and what are the benefits?

Future-proof employees’ careers by training managers to use this powerful coaching method
Training resource – Effective Delegation

Over the next couple of days, I will be posting a resource that can be used to deliver an introductory training course on effective delegation to new and first-time managers. The resource titled Introducing Effective Delegation will be posted in parts. The resource will have both virtual and face-to-face versions but I will post just the virtual […]
Human-centred leadership

Does male competitiveness lead to better grades?

Men’s tendency to welcome competition more than women, and their more positive view of accounting studies lead to them getting better results in accountancy exams than females, new research from Aalto University School of Business reveals. The study, conducted by professors Jari Huikku, Emma-Riikka Myllymäki, and Hannu Ojala, looked into the motivations of first-year university […]
The Consciousness of The Great Resignation

In this powerful little piece, Neil Seligman, The Conscious Professional speaks to the deeper streams of awareness that may be inspiring The Great Resignation. Seems like a lot of people decided to quit their job in the last 12 months. Put down to factors ranging from covid-related health concerns, the struggle of parenting and […]
Five reflective questions for embarking on a new year of learning

The transition from one year to the next has many of us beginning to reflect on where we have been during the last 12 months and where we want to get to in the coming ones. Graham Gibbs’ model of reflection refers to this as retrospective reflection and prospective reflection – it’s something that we […]
Why management development is critical for your 2022 L&D strategy

Bad team management, mistrust and poor communication are priority issues that need eliminating in 2022. How can L&D tackle this?