Podcasts: Your next learning and development offering?

The increasing popularity of podcasts makes them an invaluable addition to a training managers tool kit
The four key elements of effective deskless workforce training

Not everyone has a job that involves sitting and staring at a screen… it’s time training providers upped their offering for deskless workers.
Increase Learning Effectiveness Of Mobile Learning

An Overview An increasing number of learners are using their tablets and smartphones to take up courses in their domain knowledge and to develop their skill sets. We can also see an increased demand for bite-sized learning and learning on the go. The course completion rates are higher on mobile devices. Also, learners appreciate having […]
Mobile Learning Trends for 2019

As the Mobile Learning solution becomes a “must have” from a “good to have” solution, the focus shifts to what measures you should adopt to maximize its impact. Look no further—our Infographic on Mobile Learning Trends for 2019 provides precisely the pointers that you can use to enhance your online training delivery. With this adoption, […]
Mobile Apps For Employee Training

The increased adoption of mobile learning is leading to wider use of mobile apps for employee training. In this article, I show you how you can use them not just to train but also to empower your employees and see your training impact soar. Why You Should Start Using Mobile Apps For Employee Training One […]
How can technology encourage teamwork?

The foundations of great collaborative work are cemented by a shared purpose, clear goals and cohesive team behaviour, but what if these could be enhanced by incorporating digital technology? The American Dream is a lie. It’s not about you, your hard work, your tenacity and your smarts. Humanity’s greatest achievements remind us that individuals contribute but teams are what make […]
Developing your mobile learning strategy

If your organisation has yet to embrace mobile learning, the time is now – but being there is only half the job. In order to be truly successful, businesses need to understand learners’ online habits and cater to them. When e-learning first appeared in the workplace, it was an innovative new way of reaching people. […]
Mobile: the de facto way for learning at work?

Mobile has become the de facto standard for learning at work. But you have to know how to use it. In this blog we reveal how to harness the power of mobile learning to the greatest effect. What’s the first thing anyone does when they want to learn about something these days? They pull out their mobiles and […]
What Should We Be Teaching Staff About The Cloud?

The cloud is a term that you will have heard be thrown about in some manner. Even those that don’t work in digital should be familiar with it, as, it’s everywhere now. Most modern mobile phones use the cloud for picture storage and the like. But, one issue is that not everyone will be aware […]
10 Ways to Boost Performance with Mobile Learning

Here are my 10 golden rules to design and deliver a flexible and effective mobile learning programme. 1. Content is King Yes, it’s a cliché, but it couldn’t be more pertinent than in the realm of mobile learning where it’s vital to have quality content that’s accurate, relevant, just-in-time and bang up-to-date. You need a strategy […]
3 Ways To Streamline Your Internal Communication

It’s clear that our workplace is changing rapidly, which means that the way we communicate with each other in the workplace must keep up. For instance, upwards of 80% of remote workers today feel more engaged and workplaces are becoming more flexible in allowing employees to dictate the style of office culture. If you’re still […]
50 Activities To Use When Implementing 70-20-10

We all know what the 10% can consist of when it comes to the 70-20-10 model. That’s really easy. It’s courses, workshops, microlearning sessions etc – the formal learning bit. But where you might feel a little limited is in the 70-20 stages. Just what activities can you include in those apart from coaching and […]
Chatbot is changing the user experience for better

Mobile applications have been increasing for the last few years, and their power has advanced in ways the common man couldn’t have imagined. I have written and put topic about how chatbot changing user experience for the better: https://goo.gl/ptKwVC I did like to hear if you have any feedback and tips or suggestions to make it better? […]
8 Tips for Mobile Learning

Providing timely, useful and relevant content, tailored to the needs of your audience is the most important aspect of designing a mobile learning programme. To achieves these outcomes there are many other factors to consider. Here are 8 tips for delivering sucessful mobile learning programmes: 1. Design a mobile optimised user experience Create a user interface […]
Spotting mobile learning opportunities

The mobile learning explosion has tempted many organisations into simply making anything and everything available for mobile, whether it’s suitable or not. This may be due to pressure from management and their desire to get everything on to mobile ‘now’. eLearning courses built using flexible development tools are easy to transport across platforms. But making all your eLearning and […]
5 Steps to Mobile Learning

1. Understand what you want to deliver to your community and why Think about the curriculum design – does a mobile learning delivery approach support your overall strategic objectives and if so which topics will still best be covered by the following methods: face-to-face distance learning just-in-time training performance support tools Maybe some will need them all. […]
7 ASO Changes in iOS 11 App Marketers Must Know

Introduced on June 5, 2017 at the Worldwide Developers Conference, iOS 11 is the next-generation version of iOS. As Apple CEO Tim Cook said on stage, the update takes the best and most advanced operating system and turns it up to 11. But how does iOS affect your App Store Optimization (ASO) strategy? Below is […]
Personalising content for learners

We live in an age of information overload and there’s an immense amount of digital content available at our fingertips. How can we use the available technologies to recommend, select and present good quality, relevant content that a learner needs at any particular point in time? One of the most important things with any form […]
10 Lessons for Creating Effective Microlearning

The recent Learning Technology Research (LTR) Project focused on how we can best harness mobile technology to improve the training and support we give our people. Advances in the capabilities of the delivery and tracking platforms, added to the availability of mobile devices, mean that we need new ways to think about training. Microlearning, using small bite-sized […]
10 Tips for Developing Effective Microlearning

In this article I’ll share my top 10 tips for developing microlearning content and programmes to really capitalise on its many benefits. 1. Keep it snappy Creating concise, focussed content is harder than it sounds. Don’t fall into the trap of bloating content and taking it off focus. An individual piece of microlearning should be short […]