How AI is changing your brain

blue and green peacock feather, AI changes your brain

How does repeated AI use influence your brain’s functionality? Stella Collins, CLO of Stellar Labs, shares neuroscientific insights, alongside strategies to maintain mental agility in an AI-driven world.

How your childhood affects your leadership skills

child in black jacket and blue shorts holding green plastic bucket - childhood leadership

Did you know that early childhood experiences can shape the leaders we become? Leadership expert and consultant Nik Kinley and IMD Business School Professor Shlomo Ben-Hur explain how our understanding of this can help optimise performance under pressure.

What If vs What IS Thinking


Since a child, I’ve sufffered from nerves and anxiety. As I prepare to step outside my comfort zone (which I’ve done countless times with a lot of success), my imggination will show me all the things that could go wrong. I’ll have sleepless nights where my mind plays out a myriad of future possibilities that […]