How brain diversity drives collective intelligence: Four useful techniques

Kate Lanz, CEO of MindBridge, shares four techniques to help you harness, rather than hamper, brain diversity to access collective intelligence.
The neuroscience behind flow states

What are flow states? And how can we leverage our understanding of the brain to find and foster flow?
How AI is changing your brain

How does repeated AI use influence your brain’s functionality? Stella Collins, CLO of Stellar Labs, shares neuroscientific insights, alongside strategies to maintain mental agility in an AI-driven world.
A neuroscientist’s top 10 ways to excel at work

By better understanding our brains we can improve productivity. Neuroscientist Lynda Shaw shares 10 tips for thriving in the workplace.
Five ways managers can leverage neuroscience to drive team success

Behavioural specialist and neuroscientist Dr Lynda Shaw shares how using neuroscience is giving savvy organisations a competitive advantage, and how managers can make the most out of this gold mine.
How your childhood affects your leadership skills

Did you know that early childhood experiences can shape the leaders we become? Leadership expert and consultant Nik Kinley and IMD Business School Professor Shlomo Ben-Hur explain how our understanding of this can help optimise performance under pressure.
Neuroscience at work: How to have more productive conversations

How neuroscience can help you have better conversations at work.
Learning transfer: The difficulty with creating new habits

Why is it so hard to form good habits and behaviours?
How to ensure training is inclusive for neurodiverse learners

What can L&D do to ensure their training offerings accommodate neurodiverse employees?
Why generative artificial intelligence is the neurodiverse learner’s best friend

The ways in which AI-based technologies can enable neurodiverse individuals to maximise their true potential in the workplace and beyond.
Embodied leadership: How to be comfortable with being uncomfortable

Why the best leaders are attuned to their emotional and physical responses to difficult situations.
Right-brain thinking: Your genie in a bottle for resolving workplace conflict

We all have a power within us that we can release to resolve conflict.
The power of passion: Five strategies to unlock the potential of learning

How can we leverage the power of the brain to make learning and development more effective?
How the SCARF Model can enhance L&D research and delivery

To ignite curiosity, give your learners’ brains what they need – a SCARF.
How brain training helped rebuild my ‘broken brain’

The inspiring story of an individual who ‘re-wired’ his brain to learn again after suffering a cardiac arrest and subsequent brain injury.
Seven ways to handle tough conversations with senior leaders

Avoiding having ‘That Conversation’ with a leader at work will only make things more uncomfortable. It’s time to dive right in.
Taking the stress out of learning with wellbeing

Being fully present, well rested and prepared can elevate L&D to the next level
Why understanding neurodiversity and ensuring inclusion is essential

L&D needs to be better tailored to neurodiverse employees if they are to ever reach their potential
Brilliant Brains: Accelerating adaptation for a fast-changing world

CEO and founder of Mindbridge, Kate Lanz, reveals how we can support accelerated learning by leveraging the power of habit.
What If vs What IS Thinking

Since a child, I’ve sufffered from nerves and anxiety. As I prepare to step outside my comfort zone (which I’ve done countless times with a lot of success), my imggination will show me all the things that could go wrong. I’ll have sleepless nights where my mind plays out a myriad of future possibilities that […]