A day in the life of: Brad Taylor, Director of People at CIPD


We’re always curious to hear how our members and contributors tackle the challenges that the ever-changing world of L&D throws at them. We’ve got a wealth of experience and knowledge across the site, and what better way to showcase the diversity of our community than to get them to walk us through an average day? Want to […]

Book review – Fish


Previously I reviewed the book One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson which is a management book with some key management principles explained through a story. You can read that review here. Fish! is another book written in exactly the same story format. In fact Kenneth Blanchard wrote the foreword to this book. This book also deals with some key […]

What I Learnt From The Goodpractice Podcast


This morning I cam across an L&D podcast from Good practice titled, ‘How can L&D support performance?’ The podcast feature JD Dillon of Axonify, Ross Garnet of Goodpractrice and Owen Ferguson. I summarised a list of personal lessons which i am sharing below. You can access the podcast at: http://podcast.goodpractice.com/59-how-can-ld-support-performance My lessons from the podcast: When […]

Effective learning can’t be a one-size-fits-all approach


Personalisation is becoming a key feature of the most effective technology, tailoring the experience to our preferences to make life easier. We now take it for granted that Netflix offers us content suggestions based on what we’ve watched before or Amazon offers us products we might like based on our previous purchases. Yet when it […]

How to Measure ROI of Training Programs?


You conducted a training program, but were it able to deliver trainees with what you wanted? Did the participants like it or not? Conducting training programs is one thing, and measuring its ROI is another crucial thing to identify its actual success. As per McKinsey and Company, only half of the learning enterprises bother to […]

Are you tackling the ‘compliance conundrum?’


This is an interview with Genny Dixon, Head of Research at Towards Maturity, and was conducted off the back of the release of Towards Maturity’s free new report, In-Focus: Solving the Compliance Conundrum. Jamie Lawrence, Managing Editor, TrainingZone: What do you mean by the compliance conundrum? Genny Dixon, Head of Research, Towards Maturity: The international and regulatory […]

7 Reasons for Encouraging Workplace Collaboration


Running a business is not easy. The success of the business depends significantly on the performance of the employees. If the management is able to get the best performance out the employees it will do well and the chances of success will increase. One of the important factors in getting good ideas and finding best […]

Busting four blended learning myths


Recent years have seen a rise in organisations reducing their use of face-to-face training in favour of a blended learning approach. However, Towards Maturity reports that only 22% of learning is delivered through fully blended solutions, and while this is has grown in recent years, there is still room for improvement. At Bray Leino Learning, […]

Lack of line manager involvement is killing your L&D investment


Organisations are spending vast sums of money on the development of their workforces, yet results from the new Global Learning Transfer Research 2017 – Insights for Impact study highlights that 46% of respondents said their ‘line managers were not significantly involved in the learning process’, and a shocking follow up is that only 22% of […]

Measuring *what we do* needs feedback from others


Be Brave… Ask for feedback! The 2 minute video clip above summarises the main reasons why Observer Assessments matter! Why Observers Matter At work, your behaviour is what’s out there on the front line, shaping your interactions and experiences with everyone you encounter. Belbin Team Roles are clusters of behaviour. Each role is made up […]

Dialogic mindsets, the future of work and straw man L&D arguments


Give yourself a well-earned break and take five to catch up on some highlights of this week’s L&D news and opinion. Let us know what you think of the articles we’ve shared, and tell us what you’ve enjoyed reading too! Straw man arguments in L&D (Sukh Pabial) An interesting piece looking at justifications for specific theories […]

Emotional fluidity – the missing element?


Mary is a leader who seems to get things done without much fuss.  She’s approachable and her staff describe how they can go to her with any emotional problems and feel listened to. However, she is no pushover. She says exactly what she expects from people in a clear and direct way, and always with an underlying […]

4 tactics to help learning leaders influence culture


Our latest benchmark report, Unlocking Potential, shows that learning leaders are hungry to achieve culture-related outcomes. In our last article looking at developing a learning culture we explored the opportunities for L&D to help the organisation learn for itself. They want to increase the sharing of good practice, personalise learning according to individual need and […]

Influencing culture through learning


In the second-to-last article in our series looking at how learning professionals can deliver on five key business outcomes, Laura Overton, CEO and founder of Towards Maturity, provides insights into how the most successful organisations are influencing culture through learning. Creating an organisational learning culture represents L&D nirvana. Organisations that learn are resilient in the […]

Agile: how can Learning & Development get buy-in from CEOs?


Agile has been transforming technology since the early noughties when the birth of the Agile Manifesto gave rise to a new approach for developing software. Now others understandably want to get in on the Agile action – if the significant benefits experienced in IT can be replicated elsewhere, then the potential opportunity for organisations is […]

How to cultivate agility through learning


In the sixth article in our series looking at how learning professionals can deliver on five key business outcomes, Laura Overton, CEO and founder of Towards Maturity, provides insights into how the most successful organisations are cultivating agility through learning. To survive and succeed in today’s fast-moving, ever-changing world, organisations need L&D functions that are […]

4 tactics to help learning leaders cultivate agility


In our first article looking at cultivating agility through learning we explored how our latest benchmark report, Unlocking Potential, shines a spotlight on the behaviours of organisations that are achieving efficiency outcomes. Our data shows that organisations that are successful at cultivating agility have a laser-precision focus on engaging staff with 43% of what we […]

Is there a future for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?


Robin Hoyle is a writer, trainer and consultant. He is the author of Complete Training: from recruitment to retirement and Informal Learning in Organizations; how to create a continuous learning culture both published by Kogan Page. Remember when there were lots of L&D activities which were geared towards gaining Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points? Primarily targeted at the professions such […]

Get Gigging with Belbin!


“Gigging” is on the rise. It’s broadly described as freelancing or taking on a series of short-term contracts, rather than working in permanent employment. In the UK, 15% of workers are now self-employed, with the expansion of self-employment playing a large part in dropping unemployment figures. In the States, it’s a whopping 34% of the […]

Over 100 training resources free to download


Loads of free training resources to download from influencing to management; from training admin to training needs analysis. Click here Loads of free training resources to download from influencing to management; from training admin to training needs analysis. Click here