Tips and tricks for virtual onboarding that creates a sense of community

By being prepared and creating a community online, virtual onboarding can be positive, effective and fun.
From creation to curation: The changing role of L&D in the hybrid workplace

Learning professionals are no longer expected to be subject matter experts and course creators – instead, we are curators.
Focused meetings are the future – but follow the ‘less is more’ rule

How can we ensure meetings held in the workplace are efficient and budget-conscious?
Virtual learning or hybrid learning: How do we choose?

To go virtual or to go hybrid? That is the question for many L&D practitioners today.
Tips for Virtual Delivery – Part 2: Engagement

In my previous blog, I provided the first three top tips for effective virtual delivery, which for me are the basics: Choose a system that supports learning. Keep your group small. Keep sessions short. In this blog, I want to provide three more tips that will help you begin to create a learning environment where […]
How experiential learning ignites greater humanity in leaders

If we want to develop more self-aware leaders, embracing experiential learning is the way forward.
What do GenZ want from their education and career?

Generation Z is a tech-savvy, entrepreneurial generation. They have grown up with smartphones, social media, and access to information at their fingertips; personalisation to the most immediate level. Interestingly, what they are looking for in work, is not always the same as what they look for in business education… Speaking on the change in demands of […]
How to better support your flexible learners

Offering flexible learning experiences has never been more important. What steps can you take to ensure your learners are taking ownership of their development?
How to use collaborative technology to drive development in the hybrid world

Why collaborative technology is key to creating a learning culture in the hybrid world.
How To Establish Efficient WFH Training Strategies

Training programs for work-from-home (WFH) employees has become a prominent topic among business leaders in the post-Covid-19 age. Many companies of wildly different sizes have been tasked with adapting quickly to a brand new training model with little time to prepare. As we look to retain WFH roles within businesses in the future, it’s worth […]
Conflict management training in a virtual world

Training people to manage conflict is not as simple as it once was.
Webcast wizardry: How to reach mega audiences with your live, interactive training sessions

A guide to reaching mega online audiences with your training content in a simple and effective way.
Forgetting the ‘deskless’: Don’t neglect essential skills training

The ongoing skills shortages requires a practical approach to training if we are ever to upskill vocational workers
How Employers Can Foster a Happy WFH Setup

There’s little doubt that the work from home (WFH) boom has been a welcome one for many employees around the world. In abandoning lengthy commutes and workplace formalities, workers have responded favourably to the comfort of getting their daily tasks done in makeshift home offices. However, this isn’t to say that the process has been […]
Healthy, happy staff are the key to hybrid working success

Cristina Artico provides tips and advice on how to make hybrid working a success and ensure high levels of employee wellbeing across the workforce.
Equipping managers of distributed teams: Three lessons from Dropbox

Learn how to successfully equip managers of remote teams with these three golden rules.
Time to take stock of L&D’s hybrid learning journey

Robin Hoyle explores L&D’s experience with hybrid learning so far: what’s worked, what hasn’t and how we can evolve.
Why hybrid workplaces need better conversations

New skills are needed to combat hybrid working issues, and ensure better workplace conversations and a continued sense of belonging.
Hybrid learning 2.0

Ten tips for a successful hybrid meeting

From technical glitches to participants talking over one another, hybrid meetings require thought and planning if they are going to be a success.