8 Top Tips to Adapt your Coaching for Remote

It looks like our changing working patterns may be somewhat here to stay so that makes it even more important to adpat our coaching approach and rhythm to a new remote working reality. Top Tip #1 : Commit to a regular coaching schedule Let’s be clear, coaching moments here and there, over a cup of […]
The good, the bad and the ugly of learning and development in 2020

Which practices should we continue in 2021 and which belong in the museum?
Surviving a second lockdown

How we come out of this second lockdown is largely down to us – we have the tools at our disposal to meet this new challenge, now it’s up to us to use them… We can do this. We’ve done it before. We’ve got good at it. Now we’re doing it again. Lockdown. Intense home […]
Linking learning with performance and culture in a remote workforce

Now is not the time to neglect learning – it’s more important than ever before.
Panic and pandemic: winter resilience

As we head into a second lockdown, it’s time to appreciate what we have and the things we have learned from our experience of this pandemic so far. Often, we are more resilient than we think we are… If you have your health, a job and someone to give you a cuddle, arguably you’ve already […]
How to save your team from meeting overload

Make virtual meetings work more efficiently for you and your colleagues.
The four key elements of effective deskless workforce training

Not everyone has a job that involves sitting and staring at a screen… it’s time training providers upped their offering for deskless workers.
Thank Ewe!

Life has a funny way of surprising you, and never more so than this year. For many of us, it’s been a year of stress, anxiety and extraordinary challenge. Those are some of the negative consequences of unwelcome change. But change, even unwelcome change, can encourage resourcefulness, creativity, and lead to some surprising new opportunities. […]
Skills gap analysis: How well do you understand the skills needs in your business?

With so much ongoing change happening, it’s time for businesses to have a skills rethink.
Going digital with leadership development programmes

Expert advice from L&D experts who’ve been there and done that.
Stepping up: the manager’s role in optimising virtual team learning

Empowering managers to deliver better virtual team learning.
Why virtual training is now better than face-to-face

Learning remotely offers many more benefits in the modern workplace.
Is flexible learning the key to a swift business recovery?

New research suggests businesses focusing on L&D during the pandemic are confident of a brighter future.
The legacy of lockdown on learning and development

Self-directed learning is here to stay – and it’s a good thing for L&D practitioners.
Panic and pandemic: long-life lockdown

Some may be returning to the office this month, but others won’t be going back in a hurry – or at least, may still work from home some of the time. So how will we all adapt to this new way of working in the long-term, now that the initial shock of lockdown is over? […]
Giving learning power to your people in an age of remote working

Why personal learning budgets are vital for remote workers.
Six tips for energising virtual training

Last week my colleague Paul Hodder attended a Webinar on Energising Your Training by the author Bob Lucas. Bob talked about the importance of movement, asserting that physical activity has been shown to increase attention and improve problem solving skills. At BiteSize Learning we have always sought to get people on their feet as early and […]
Virtual training: three lessons from the lockdown experience

Virtual training is here to stay, but we need to be careful and creative with it.
Six emotional skill sets for remote workforces to thrive

With home working set to be a long-term norm for many, the emotional skills required to thrive in this environment must not be overlooked.
A new sense of teamwork: adapting to a restructured workforce during Covid-19

Don’t underestimate the power of team connections when navigating this crisis.