4 Ways to Build Web-Savvy Employees


Your company relies on its ability to stay relevant in a Web 2.0 world. Because of this, it’s up to you to lead the charge in maintaining strong web presence and operating with the most effective practices. In the process, it’s vital that you train your employees to do the same. When you want your […]

Presentation Secrets of a Barrister


Mastering Your Craft In this article, International Mindfulness Advocate and former Civil Law Barrister, Neil Seligman considers five key qualities of the accomplished public speaker: 1.Poise We are told so often that we must be confident that the word has lost its power. The word poise communicates far more. Poise immediately conjures images of excellence […]

L&D strategy: whose responsibility is learning anyway?


Historically, the responsibility of workplace learning fell solely on the shoulders of the L&D department, but this is no longer the case. We now know that creating a culture of learning across a whole organisation is a key part to any successful learning strategy. A learning culture is just that, a culture, which will take […]

Virtuoso communication: training or talent?


Communication is an art, people say. One can really be a talented communicator. Some of us really are natural speakers, who can get the audience on the edge of their seats at every presentation. Others are at their best in social situations, they can appease every conflict. This a nice and romantic view, but it […]

Mind the (skills) gap – getting the most from the Apprenticeship Levy


The last year has seen significant focus from UK government on supporting apprenticeships. Three million new apprenticeships are promised by 2020, as well as the development of new standards across a further 43 industry areas – bringing the total up to 61 and counting [PDF]. Apprenticeships are crucial to fuelling the economy with skilled, adaptable […]

How To Boost Your Sales Team’s Productivity


If your goal is to increase revenue, you’ll need to sell more and your sales team will be in charge of that. They can’t work on their own, and you as a company owner or sales manager will need to train, instruct and educate them. There are countless selling strategies out there and are ever […]

Countdown to Success


Like a lot of people, I probably spend too much time on my phone playing games. A long-term favourite has been ‘The Chase’, but just recently I’ve been getting into Countdown, based on the long-running TV show.  Having tried Countdown once or twice on the ‘hard’ setting and being totally humiliated by a computer (I […]

The Corporate Guide to Employee Upskilling


A study commissioned by the McKinsey Global Institute predicts that between now and 2030, nearly 800 million jobs will be lost due to automation. In the short-term too, rapid advances in technology has meant that a lot of jobs that were considered steady and ‘evergreen’ are lost due to changes in the market. Such rapid […]

Unbelievable Benefits of Off-the-Job Training


Today is all about off-the-job training and the benefits it can bring to your business. Off-the-job training is staff training away from the usual work environment. It comes in a variety of forms such as open courses which are day releases to training venues, but it can also be in-house training in a meeting room away from the office. […]

Post GDPR training for your workforce


“We’re updating our terms and conditions…” I bet everyone is fed up with seeing that email subject line. However, the actual reasoning behind them is for everyone’s benefit – seriously! Long story short, they had to be sent out after the update to the GDPR, and the GDPR exists to protect your information from misuse […]

5 Things to Today to Become a Better Manager


As a manager, you wear many hats. In fact, you wear ten hats if you ask Henry Mintzberg. However, this blog post talks about you and your team in terms of how you manage them. It’s a humongous topic! So, I’ve tried my best to condense it down to just five tips that should help […]

3 essential things new freelancers must learn


In the United Kingdom, there’s been a large uptick in the percentage of the workforce classified as freelancers. There are several reasons for the increase, ranging from economic concerns to lifestyle choices, and the ranks of freelancers are growing every day. As a career path, working as a freelancer is appealing to many due to […]

Employee learning and development: four top tips for success


Innovation and learning is the cornerstone of any successful business – keep your employees learning and they’ll reward you with loyalty. The most successful employees in any industry all possess the same enviable trait – they are constantly learning, growing and getting better at any role or challenge they take on. Attracting and retaining employees […]

Three ways to make your presentations more impactful


Deliver presentations that pack a punch using the below three pieces of advice. The way the world communicates is rapidly changing. Modern technology provides constant access to quick and simple snippets of information, on constantly updated news streams. The days of spending hours on the phone to friends, updating them with news are gone. Instead, notifications […]

Don’t let irregular training drive staff from your business


We all know the whole culture surrounding the workplace and the idea of jobs in general is changing: people are working remotely and for many different companies in their lifetime. There isn’t the old sense of long-term ‘job loyalty’ anymore. A UK worker will now change employer every five years on average, with millennials more […]

The learning trend of 2018: always-on learning


Your career is probably going through a lot more change compared to your parents’ careers. The same goes for your skills. Times change, and for companies this means that real time and always-on learning is becoming the new standard. If employees are not able to continuously learn new, more general skills, wherever and whenever they […]

Authenticity: How to be genuine when you present


How authentic are you to your audiences? Tom Bird & Jeremy Cassell, authors of The Leader’s Guide to Presenting, explore… Critical to your success as a presenter is recognising that your audience will be judging you from the moment you stand in front of them. They cannot help it and they do not consciously know they […]

How to create a strategic workforce plan that can improve job quality


The CIPD recently released findings from its UK working lives survey and identified the key challenges for two main groups in the market: those at the lower levels who are far less likely to have access to skills and training, and those in middle management who feel significantly squeezed by their workload. We often read […]

The Apprenticeship Levy: a radical reform of the UK skills map


Think of it as a skills levy, not an Apprenticeship Levy, argues Kirstie Donnelly MBE, Managing Director of City & Guilds Group. There’s no beating about the bush. To say that apprenticeships have had a rough ride over the past twelve months is nothing short of an understatement. But the there is no doubt that they […]