Literary masterclass: How to write well
The most common concept of “well writing” is relative. Well – for whom? One reader will find that it is written well, others will turn their noses. It’s like with singers: in principle, the notes all fall, but someone you listen to as spellbound, but someone you can not stand. But he has his fans, […]
Why presentation training pays off
Winning business is big business, with companies typically reserving significant budgets for the likes of advertising, websites and CRM systems. Often, though, those investments will only get a company’s foot in the door, with the final decision on a contract made by way of a pitch. You’d think, therefore, that companies would invest in their […]
Micro-learning and the maturity of marketers
“The use of mass psychoanalysis to guide campaigns of persuasion has become the basis of a multimillion-dollar industry. Professional persuaders have seized upon it in their groping for more effective ways to sell us their wares — whether products, ideas, attitudes, candidates, goals, or states of mind.” [Source] That was one of the first things […]
Recruitment interview the WASP way – buzz! buzz!
WASP is a popular model to structure a recruitment interview. We’ve converted the W.A.S.P. stages into a series of behavioural competencies. It can be used to self-assess when interviewing or use as a checklist to observe other recruiters’ interviews as part of their coaching plan. Welcome Settles candidate in (e.g. refreshments; permission to […]
Video: perfect for learning & training! Here’s why
30,287 YouTube subscribers: it might not be a lot compared to PewDiePie’s 54 million, but it’s quite the amount for a Dutch physics teacher. We know from practice that videos work great in education. But not just that: research confirms that video combines really well with learning and training. Why is video learning so effective? […]
A language training solution checklist
Once a training need has been identified, the pressure is on to implement a programme that will plug the skills gap, help the business achieve its objectives and deliver within budget. There are many options out there including face to face training, remote study, electronic (e-) learning and a hybrid combination of these methods. Training […]
Feeling good about change in your workplace
Hopefully you got to read my blog last month on self-managed learning – why you should create a learning plan? Taking ownership and being in control of your learning is key to getting what you want out of your career and life. Taking this a step further, we thought essential to look at how being in control of […]
Helping our learners learn by reducing information overload
Emma Sue Prince is the founder of Unimenta, a free resource for practitioners delivering experiential learning or soft skills. Join them today. Let’s face it – we are all overwhelmed with information these days coming at us from every angle. From morning to night we are all suffering from a massive dose of information be that […]
Coffee briefing: augmented reality, leveraging your board seat and the realities of point-of-need learning
Give yourself a well-earned break and take five to catch up on some highlights of this week’s L&D news and opinion. Let us know what you think of the articles we’ve shared, and tell us what you’ve enjoyed reading too! VR in Learning Research – Our Summary & Lessons Learned (Niall Gavin) Following a three-month […]
Fixing diversity programmes: diversity, inclusion and deliberate practice
No one should be arguing against increasing diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Strategically, ethically, and financially it makes sense that organizations can benefit from being diverse. The Return on Investment (ROI) for a diverse workplace has been widely accepted by most CEOs and Leaders and backed by studies with impressive statistics such as: a 1% […]
Are filler words really that bad in life?
Sheryl Sandberg once told an employee that she sounded “stupid” when she said ‘um’ a lot during a presentation. The employee, Kim Scott, took this candid remark to heart and used it as the basis for a whole new company. But what about the catalyst for this seismic change, Scott’s use of the filler word […]
The multiple benefits of improving your self-confidence
Self-confidence can be hard to come by. It’s much easier to criticise yourself – and skip over positive thoughts about a job well done. But listening to a negative internal monologue isn’t just bad for you, it’s also bad for your business. Confidence in your company starts with confidence in the leader of your company; without […]
Women in Leadership:Despatches From The Front Line
Starting a conversation about women in leadership requires a clear head and a deep breath. It is a hot topic, raising issues and temperatures in offices and boardrooms around the world, and the subject of much academic study. The statistics are many and varied, and whichever way you spin them, the news is still frustrating […]
Tips To Motivate Yourself
The leadership manifesto: developing leaders at all levels
The concept and nature of leadership has probably never been more debated than it is now. Last year saw Theresa May take over as PM in the UK after David Cameron stepped down, while the US elected a new President – where his opponent criticised him for having no prior political experience. The debate around […]
There’s only one rule for effective communication
There’s never been another point in history where so many people are reading so much and communicating so often (so, thanks Internet). Yet, for all the talking and typing that swirls both on and offline, effective communication still eludes many. Now, we all know some of the more important factors when getting your message across […]
Training for collaboration
What is the difference between teamwork and collaboration? No it’s not a trick question but in many organisations the answer isn’t always straightforward and the reason is quite simple; traditional organisational hierarchies operate largely through the medium of teams. You know the sort of thing I mean; depending on size the organisation may well be […]
Apprenticeships – what you need to know
The apprenticeship system in England is currently going through its biggest change in decades. With new employer-led apprenticeship standards available and the government’s apprenticeship levy due to start in April 2017, there has never been a better time to use apprenticeships to build the talent and skills in your business. If you want to make […]
Catchy title needed!
I need your help in coming up with a cathcy title for a new workshop for crew and pilot rostering team Details: 1-day workshop focusing on: Our company brand, Communication, Telephone Etiquette, Behaviour Styles, Stress Management and Teamwork Previous title of workshop was 'ELEVATE' with us tasked to keep the new workshop title in line with […]
Soft skills analysis: Theresa May
It can’t be easy to be Theresa May. The comparisons to Thatcher, the near obsession with her shoe collection rather than her policies and the famous “bloody difficult” aspersions to name but three. But what about leadership and soft skills? May has steadfastly directed herself away from a gregarious style of leadership, some might say […]