Why collaboration is key to learning in the ‘new normal’

We might be working more remotely, but learning still needs to happen together.
Social learning: how L&D can help upskill colleagues to be coaches for their teams

Eight ways to turn your employees into performance coaches to enable peer-to-peer learning.
How to raise your L&D profile and become a great role model for professional development

How to bolster your professional development activities while simultaneously raising your L&D profile.
How To Think Outside of The Box

Through the pandemic, we have all had a good moment to stop and think about what we are doing and what is important. As the world reboots and splutters to a start, many are emerging with a keener focus on aligning their doing around sustainable outcomes for work, community, and planet, along with a renewed […]
Three ways to support parents’ emotional health at work, and why it’s good for business

Employers need to get better at supporting working parents.
Comfort food in lockdown

As you may have seen, I’ve been writing a content series on this site on panic and the coronavirus pandemic. As an accompaniment to this, I wanted to take this opportunity to look at our go-to foods during the Covid-19 crisis and get some views from the learning and development community about this. In parallel with […]
Opening Windows on Hidden Talent

Have you ever started a novel but never finished? Written some poetry that’s hidden away in a drawer, far from public view? Perhaps you’re too shy to share that story you wrote in your spare time? Over the last year, I’ve made the surprising discovery that a lot of my friends share my passion for […]
What do you make of Hungarians?

The other week, en route to Alston, I was in the famous Betty’s Tea Rooms picking up some Fat Rascal scones for the team. (If you’ve never tried one, my co-director Craig would argue it’s worth taking a trip to Harrogate to do so – even if you live in Australia. But then, his love […]
Social learning: a collaborative approach for the digital age

It’s now more important than ever before to encourage a collaborative approach to learning.
Learning on the spot: how collaboration encourages workflow learning

Do we need to be concerned with measuring the impact of training outcomes if employees are achieving their goals through taking a more collaborative, peer-to-peer approach to learning? Having worked in learning and development for the better part of a decade, I had to learn how to deal with one fact over and over again […]
A diversity of strengths

How much do you earn? Is that a personal question and perhaps none of my business; well now I’m going to ask you an even more personal question which is what do you personally bring to your organisation in return for which they pay you a wage. It only started last year but already April […]
Learning groups: seven things we’ve realised about social learning

Social learning can empower teams to not only learn better, but more collaboratively by taking ownership of their learning journey. Here’s what we learned by implementing a social learning strategy with a huge global workforce. People are used to going on courses. They’re used to experts, trainers and senior people standing at the front of the […]
Lack of appreciation makes staff feel like leaving

Showing appreciation really is critical for the ongoing success of your teams. But often hard to properly quantify, a new study has started to put some numbers against the importance of recognising great work and giving thanks for efforts made. Published by Office Team, the report found that 66% of employees would leave their job […]
What makes the ideal team player?

When seeking talent, how can we identify those who excel in a team? Here are some tips to help find people that can positivitely contribute to your organisation. What are the common characteristics in great teams and, more specifically, in the members of those teams that must exist in order to succeed, and succeed again? Ultimately it boils down […]
How to harness emotional intelligence in a multigenerational workplace

The modern workforce represents a cross section of multigenerational attitudes. So it’s essential to find commonality in human experience and explore the potential of emotional intelligence. We’ve all heard many ways in which the economy was, and still sees, impact from the notable population numbers of Baby Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964. It’s been nearly a decade […]
How NOT To Use Social Media For Your Business

The rise of social media has been revolutionary over the last 10 years, with most businesses, no matter their size, now seeing it as a vital channel in their marketing strategy. It’s stressed often how important it is for your brand to have a presence on social media, but it’s just as important to conduct […]
Negotiation Practices That Enhance Sales Profits

Working in sales is an exhilarating and challenging proposition. When you follow all the protocols you received in your sales training, you expect everything to work out well. Unfortunately, success is not guaranteed. A lot of sales executives find themselves in a situation which involves difficult negotiation. If a seller tasked with negotiating sales lacks […]
The Conscious Guide to Change and Uncertainty

“The more uncertain things seem to be, the more secure I will feel,because uncertainty is my path to freedom.” – Deepak Chopra As much as we might try to avoid uncertainty, we know deep down that it is an impossible task. We have seen that the fortunes of the rich can be lost overnight and that […]
Using Instagram for training businesses

How many training businesses are using Instagram? What are the most effective ways you have found that help generate new leads or encourage job applications? Things I’ve found that work are: 1. Making posts and profile different 2. Making it personal 3. Encouraging interaction 4. Hashtags and location tagging 5. Using video How many training businesses are using […]
Breakthrough of Organizational Development

Change is inevitable, especially in a highly competitive realm. Countries master techniques to upgrade their economic development in its full potential through the fusion of training and technology. L&D is the bread and butter that strengthens an organization’s performance in the industrialized economy. The UAE government is one of the countries who seek to use L&D […]