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David Hite

Founder & CEO - Job Platform in the industries of computer science and information technology

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Breakthrough of Organizational Development


Change is inevitable, especially in a highly competitive realm. Countries master techniques to upgrade their economic development in its full potential through the fusion of training and technology.  L&D is the bread and butter that strengthens an organization’s performance in the industrialized economy.

The UAE government is one of the countries who seek to use L&D for the improvement in their medical management. With the use of the 5 top trends, there’s no doubt UAE and most organizations will gain the advantage.  

Five Learning & Development Trends

Generational Shift

Millennials and Generation Z comes in while Baby Boomers and traditionalists deplete. With this shift, companies struggle to build rapport with the new era. The first few years, Millennials were known to move from one job to another. As such, employers concluded Millennials are disloyal and was often called hoppers.

As researchers study the why’s, they found out the strategies used for the older generation are ineffective on the young generation! Millennials prefer an open-spaced workplace where employers and employees interact without constraints, handy laptops instead of computers, flexible work hours than restricted schedules, and regular feedback in place of annual performance appraisals.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Project-Based Learning

With a technology-driven world, eLearning platforms create an interactive way of obtaining new skills and techniques. Studies found project-based learning aids in skill mastery. This type of approach helps individuals use hands-on practices to solve a problem.

eLearning platforms can be two-way (both parties learn from one another). So, anyone can be a contributor to the program. Meanwhile, the outcome of project-based learning is the decrease of inaccuracies and increase of proficiency in cases of surgical and healthcare procedures.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Database

In 2009, Blockchain was the talk of the town it revolutionized the digital currencies in what we know as cryptocurrencies. Now, blockchain technology is a utility for app developers and financial industries.

The blockchain technology is a database of blocks, and these blocks contain timestamps and cryptographic keys. Companies use blockchain because of the security in terms, the disability to easily decrypt data, no third party beneficiaries and more.

Cryptocurrencies have evolved the way of training and earning, this created “Distributed Ledger Technology” introducing an opportunity for people to mentor based on the knowledge and skill acquired. Other than that, Ledger records and calculates the stipend of each KSA.  

Healthcare professionals have a mandatory re-licensure every 1-2 years, but the requirement is to complete or exceed a certain number of credit hours. There are cases when the credits are lost or mistracked due to environmental factors. The DLT proposes the use of blockchain technology to reduce and eliminate this problem.

Photo by Andre Francois on Unsplash

Rapid Prototype

The 3D Printing technology can significantly change the health and medical system. For practices, the medical professional can create a prototype of a human organ and use it as an exercise to be ready for the real surgery.

Employee Assessment

The use of A.I. encompasses automated systems which track employee information. These data include the employees’ qualifications, achievements, skills mastered, and more. Basically, it can be an all-in-one program that can easily give an individual’s work statistics.

Companies spend roughly $41 billion on training and development. More than 30% of employees reported that the assigned training programs are irrelevant to their skills. Once the A.I. Employee Assessment is implemented the employer will be more aware of how to customize the right training for the employee while decreasing the amount of money spent on unimportant learning programs.

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash


With the rise of new players and its’ impact on the workforce, small and large companies should have the power to adapt and explore the trends for the benefit of the organization’s success.

Companies who took their stand in the industrial age and not adapt to the digital age was left with dissatisfied employees, poor employee performance and revenue slippage. Later on, these companies filed for bankruptcy and liquidating assets.

In the coming years, more than 50% of the global workforce makes out of Generation's Y and Z, but that doesn’t mean you neglect the older generations. A successful corporation builds an environment where every employee can adjust to the newly implemented organizational culture, technology advances, and more.

Living in a competitive and fast-paced world, you either lead, follow (or both) but one thing's for sure learning is a non-stop shop to opulence.


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David Hite

Founder & CEO - Job Platform in the industries of computer science and information technology

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