How to plan for a great retirement in your 30s


No matter where you are in your career, it’s never too early to start planning for the retirement you want. The sooner you start saving, the more money you’ll have to play with when you retire, giving you the freedom to relocate, travel, and enjoy the kind of lifestyle most of us dream of. Starting […]

How Chatbots Can Re-shape Elearning Experience


Chatbots are everywhere. You interact with them on messenger apps and websites. Bots can be used for tasks ranging from product recommendation to front line customer service. Driven by AI, chatbots become smarter and smarter over time. This is thanks to machine learning. There’s hardly an industry that has not or will not be influenced […]

3 ways to solve ‘talentmageddon’


Top-quality talent is becoming harder to find and, as I’ve written before, the talent crunch shows no signs of easing. Right now, British businesses are heading straight for ‘talentmageddon’. Many companies are embracing innovative solutions. Andrew Nisbet, founder of Nisbets, is an advocate of tapping into local talent pools, highlighting the role that family businesses can play […]

How apprenticeships can drive digital transformation in your organisation


Apprenticeships could bridge the digital skills gap and help drive transformation in your business. Don’t miss out on this trick. Digital transformation is a strategic imperative for many businesses today. According to research conducted by Deloitte in partnership with MIT, more than 70% of companies are transforming their products and services into digital businesses. And they […]

Incentivize your customers to complete training


Customer training is the process by which a company teaches purchasers how to use a product efficiently. Online teaching modules can include brief demonstrations, tutorials, or written information on specific product operations. This process delivers the precise learning users need when it is most relevant. Online customer training is most often provided to support software […]

Data literacy: how can organisations improve this skill in 2018?


Data and analytics are key to every organisation, enabling us to analyse question after question to find new insights and identify the most critical obstacles to overcome when it comes to business. Considering the complexity and scope of today’s data, as well as the speed of business today, old-school analytics methods and models are insufficient. […]

How to scale your startup with the best talent?


The age of startups is still mature and strong. It has been estimated by Worldwide Business Startups that each year, 50 million startups are started; this translates to an average of 137,000 startups per day. I have written and put topic about the How to scale your startup with the best talent. I did […]

3 marketing terms startup employees should know


It’s been found that 90% of startups fail, and for the companies that do manage to succeed, marketing plays a huge role No matter what job role you’re working in, having a basic knowledge of startup marketing is smart. It’s common for team members to help out in multiple areas when a company is getting […]

Why freelancers should use bookkeeping software


Are you a new freelancer? Or have you been self-employed for years and never really got the hang of managing your finances? For many contract workers, hiring an accountant just isn’t worth the expense. However, that leaves you in charge of crunching the numbers, which can be tricky if you don’t have much experience. Making […]

eLearning in Business Application Training


Business Application Training is one of the very important corporate training programs in organizations. It helps organizations to improve their business efficiency by enhancing individual workforce skills. Business Application Training is a wider concept which includes every learning need that has influence on organizational brand and future business prospects. In this blog, I will be […]

Simulation-based training: get the lowdown


The evolving nature of how we work, in combination with organisational environments which require flexible and innovative training solutions, means that we’re always on the lookout for new techniques and technologies that can be utilised to create the perfect learning environment. One such way is through simulations. What is simulation-based training? Simulation-based training utilises a […]

Section 508 and WCAG – Compliances in eLearning


Have you ever imagined how a person with disability would access your eLearning course? May be you haven’t given a thought of designing eLearning in that perspective. But eLearning accessibility has been the industry hot topic now. And an eLearning course should be designed such that it works for everyone across the organization so that […]

How to Choose the Right Graphics for eLearning?


Why Use Graphics in eLearning?Well, as the saying goes the picture is worth a thousand words, choosing the relevant graphic/visual in eLearning matters. Choosing is not enough, you have to execute it properly to reinforce learner’s understanding and ensure its learning value. Many studies suggest that well-designed graphics in the learning process: Minimize the cognitive […]

How to include the whole team in your company blog


Is your company blog usually reserved for special announcements from the CEO? Or do you outsource blogging completely? While both of these approaches are common, learning to include the entire team in your company blog is an excellent way to improve your content and show staff that you value their opinions. Staff who feel valued […]

Lectora 17 Inspire for Responsive eLearning


Trivantis is one of the long-established brands in eLearning Industry. Lectora Desktop 17, popularly known as Lectora 17 Inspire is the latest version of Lectora from Trivantis. Lectora 17 Inspire, a powerful desktop course authoring application, provides every feature required to develop custom eLearning solutions. Lectora 17 Inspire is incorporated with Responsive Course Design approach – […]

Building a SADEL organisation: the individual learner


Building a Self-Directed, Agile, Digital, Exponential, Learning (SADEL) organisation is critical to survival in a digital world. In part 3 of a 5-part series, organisational behaviourist and learning strategist Kerryn Kohl takes an in-depth look at the framework required to build this type of organisation. In part 2 of this 5-part series, I outlined the model […]

Random numbers in Articulate Storyline 3


Articulate Storyline 3 is one of the highly recommended authoring tool in e-learning industry. Using this tool we can create customized engaging and interactive multi-device elearning solutions. The flexibility to use JavaScript in Articulate Storyline 3 opens new door to customize things beyond the limits. We came across a customization requirement from our client in […]

Typing Animation in Articulate Storyline 360


Articulate Storyline 360 is one of the most powerful tool to create interactive, engaging and mobile friendly eLearning courses. Articulate  Storyline 360 is the latest version equipped with lots of new features. Still there are few activities which do not come as default and need customization. One of them is Typing Animation. In Articulate Storyline, […]