Are poor language skills holding businesses back?


Every year on 26th September, events are held across Europe to mark the European Day of Languages. Organised by the Council of Europe, the day aims to highlight the need for language skills and encourage language learning for all. This year was a bit different however, given the recent changes in the EU and with […]

Webinar programme recommendations


I am currently using WebEx Meetings as our webinar provider. Although it does the basic functions of screen sharing and whiteboard it only hosts 25 people at a time and as the name suggests is for online meetings as opposed to a virtual classroom. We have a field sales force of approx. 600 reps all […]

Reflections on a satire


I like a dystopian satire as much as the next person, so when Netflix announced they had given a home to professional pessimist Charlie Brooker's brilliant series Black Mirror I was delighted.  Cut to: months later and the thing was actually being released.  In their customary have-them-all-at-once fashion all six episodes came out on the […]

How important is your Social Media “image”?


Hi all, I'm fascinated as to whether there's any psychology behind Social Media profile pics and how people react to them? Does your profile picture say a lot about you? How important is "image" to your role or your training business, particularly on Training Zone and Linkedin, professional networking platforms? I see some folk and […]

Coffee Briefing: M-learning, networking and the loneliness of being a leader


Another week is upon us, and with it our pick of the most interesting and thought-provoking articles from across the L&D world. Let us know what you think about the articles we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading too! Elearning and tech – How to design a course using the elearning manifesto (Litmos) […]

AI – It’s a question of perspective


Watch out, watch out, the robots are coming! They’re going to take our jobs, take over our homes, and then eliminate us as being an unnecessary disorder in an ordered world. Yes you may have read the book or seen the film (or at least a variant on it) but should we really be worried […]

There’s nothing artificial about intelligence


Smart meters, data capturers, programmable devices; it seems as though everywhere we look computers are taking over our lives. But is this really something new or is it only recently that we have become more aware of the potential for AI to replace some of the more mundane aspects of our business life? After all, […]

20 years of HR innovation…or not?


The end of August 2016 was a big milestone for Fosway Group, marking 20 years of learning and HR technology research. The last two decades have obviously brought about massive changes, both in technology and how we interact with it. What I have found interesting about reviewing our research archive as part of our anniversary […]

Presenting to win: personality, skill and technology


The art of presenting has always been held as a key business skill. Whether it is a Steve Jobs style delivery in the auditorium, or a team delivering an intimate new business pitch — getting it right counts. While this may not be surprising, what is, according to new research by global technology company Barco, […]

How to get tech-resisters on board with elearning


Despite its ever-growing presence in our lives, not all workers are au fait with technology. In fact, you’ll find during your tenure as a manager that many workers are almost completely tech-resistant. Convincing these people that an eLearning course will be of any benefit to them can be tough. Mentally, they are wired to avoid […]

Bringing intelligent insight to innovation


“There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune… And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”Julius Caesar – William Shakespeare It’s some years now since I first wrote about the way in which the pace of technological development allied to […]

International training – know your time zones


If you schedule international live online learning you will be familiar with all the nuances of time zones. Because live online training is normally no longer than 90 minutes a mistaken hour can mean the difference between having an audience – or wasting a lot of your colleagues’ time. So it is important to know […]

Bridging marketing’s data and digital skills gap


The Digital Economy is increasingly important to every business and country throughout Europe, with the estimated turnover for the continent expected to reach £182bn (€216bn) in 2016, which would mark a 16.7% increase on the previous year. However, a concern for many companies in the coming years is ensuring that they have the data and […]

Keys to Training New Employees on Security Protocols


Every network is vulnerable to hackers all over the world. Organizations should be concerned with all the threats out there. In fact, a recent report by DataIQ stated that  by the end of 2016 over 1 billion data breaches. With the average data breach costing tens of thousands of dollars, it has become imperative for […]

How To Train Your Staff On Cybersecurity


The primary reason why the human race has been able to make startling progress in this new century is because of relentless technological innovation. Today, people take technological miracles for granted. They are not surprised that a smartphone is actually a pocket-sized computer or startled that Uber is planning to tentatively roll out self-driving cars. […]

Tips To Create and Present an Effective Webinar


​Webinars are a powerful medium to deliver real-time training remotely to groups of any size and shape. In fact, most companies consider webinar training as the most time and cost-efficient method of delivering professional training. No matter how busy a professional is, incorporating a 20-30 minute webinar into their schedule shouldn’t come as a major […]

How To Train a Growing Global & Remote Workforce


The internet has revolutionized the way in which businesses across the globe can source new talent. Thanks to advances in business-based tools and platforms, remote work, or telecommuting, is easier for both companies and workers today. According to a recent study, 37 percent of employees questioned had worked remotely, a significant increase from just 30 […]

Systems training recommendations?


We've recently been challenged with finding ways to create and deliver more engaging and effective solutions to our systems training (IT based). Have you imbedded a systems training solution successfully and would be willing to share some do's and don'ts? How did you structure the programme? What worked? What would you do again? Thanks in […]

Virtual reality: seeing beyond the hype


Every so often, a new technology comes along that promises to transform the way we learn. This year it’s virtual reality’s turn to step into the spotlight. With Oculus Rift and other cheaper VR headsets now available for mainstream gaming, 2016 has been dubbed the year of VR. But does VR really have a place […]

Time to align your corporate learning strategy to business goals?


This article describes the key features of an effective corporate learning strategy (CLS) and will help you understand how and why your strategy needs to be linked to organisational goals. In the 21st century business environment, it’s essential that L&D delivers to the pace and direction of the business. As the global environment and business are rapidly […]