How learning technology is supporting a new era for careers

To retain talent in the new age of work, employers must focus on providing their people with a clear pathway for career development.
PH Testing Meter- labtekservices

Labtek Services Offer pocket sized pH tester is used by millions of people around the world to monitor pH in laboratories and industrial applications as well as in agriculture, fish farming, food manufacturing, and quality control, swimming pools, and the printing industry. Labtek Services Offer pocket sized pH tester is used by millions of people […]
PH Testing Meter- labtekservices

Labtek Services Offer pocket sized pH tester is used by millions of people around the world to monitor pH in laboratories and industrial applications as well as in agriculture, fish farming, food manufacturing, and quality control, swimming pools, and the printing industry. Labtek Services Offer pocket sized pH tester is used by millions of people […]
Learning analytics: What to do when your problem data lies

When analysing data, sometimes you need to look behind the facts to discover the real information.
How cyber-fit is your organisation?

October’s Cyber Security Awareness Month is a time for businesses to take a step back and see if they are doing all they can to keep cyber criminals at bay
Cyber security training: why a blended approach is best in the hybrid workplace

How prepared are your employees when it comes to defending the business from cyber attack?
Creating a learning culture for the digital age

Digital transformation isn’t just about the technology – it’s about getting your people on board.
Skills training in a post-AI work environment

AI is transforming workplace structures and process and with this comes new skill requirements.
How L&D can get the best value from augmented reality

Augmented reality can enhance learner retention, but it’s crucial to understand where it can deliver the most value.
Six ways to develop a sustainable cyber security workforce

L&D has a lot of catching up to do to plug the cyber security skills gap facing UK businesses right now.
Can executives learn from the esports industry?

Earlier this month, the first-ever esports gym was announced to be opening in Japan. The space will be a place for all gamers whether they are a professional or an amateur, to improve their game, and seek advice and guidance from professional players, according to the Esports gym owners. Though many may see this Esports […]
Four ways to drive learner engagement in a world of unknowns

Four key approaches that ensure learning is relevant and engaging for employees, no matter where or when they are learning.
Developing the microskills essential for digital transformation

In an age of digital transformation and automation, we need to explore skills at a more granular level.
Training sector must embrace vulnerable customers

The financial services industry is under ever-increasing pressure to recognise and protect vulnerable customers and it is an area where banks, building societies and other financial institutions have made great strides in recent years. There is now an opportunity for other companies, organisations and industries to follow-suit and set an example, under the guidance of […]
Mastering virtual facilitation in 2021

How to improve your remote training offering going forward.
What does 2021 have in store for learning and development?

Making predictions for the year ahead is a tall order given the events of 2020, but L&D expert Robin Hoyle has risen to the challenge.
The future of learning: online training in a post-Covid world

The future of learning is entirely digital – or is it?
The good, the bad and the ugly of learning and development in 2020

Which practices should we continue in 2021 and which belong in the museum?
Digital transformation: increasing engagement with online learning

Practical advice to make your online learning fit for the future.
Live online learning: not a silver bullet but a useful tool

The boom in digital learning doesn’t mean live training faces extinction.