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Hazel Raoult


Marketing Manager

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Beware of these customer service training mistakes


Customer service is the lifeblood of organisations - small, medium or large.

One bad experience can make 91% of customers leave the brand without explanation.

No wonder, market leaders like Amazon are working towards becoming the most customer-centric company.

Delivering a stellar customer experience starts with a customer service training program.

A well-designed training program can help professionals create a positive impact on customers. Whereas poor training can leave customers’ issues unresolved, breaking their trust.

In this post, we have shared the top customer service training mistakes that restrict organisations to put their best foot forward along with their best practices. 

Top customer service training mistakes to avoid

Here is a list of top customer service training mistakes. Avoiding them will help enterprises win new customers and retain the existing ones.

  1. Neglecting customer feedback while preparing the course

Loyal customers are vital for a successful business. But nowadays, customers have thousands of options to choose products and services. Acknowledging their feedback is, thus, crucial to retaining them. 

Preparing the customer service training course by keeping customers in mind enhances its value. This practice helps professionals understand the customer segments and their unique needs. They can further make informed decisions that can boost the organisation's bottom line. 

For instance, notice the following screenshot of Google's Search Console


Observe how they have created a feedback system. They aim to encourage users to share their experiences - positive or constructive. 

Collecting real-time customers’ information can help your organisation improve the product's functionalities. Besides, preparing a training course using these insights will enhance your customers' experience. Thus, it is a win-win for all. 

  1. Not emphasising communication etiquette 

Communication is the key to winning customers' hearts. Most importantly, communication etiquettes reflect the core values of an organisation.

So, while addressing customer experience professionals, training providers should emphasise good manners. They should train the team to conduct themselves with grace and treat the customers right. Exercising polite behaviour can help enterprises win positive customer relationships.

Consider the following tips to imbibe good communication etiquettes:

  • Start with greeting the customers.
  • Keep the conversations brief and avoid any unnecessary talk.
  • Speak with respect and make them feel valued. 
  • Always offer practical solutions and reflect gratitude in speech.
  1. Failing to establish clear goals and expectations

Goals can mobilise the focus of customer experience professionals toward actionable behaviour. But their absence can derail their efforts.

As a training provider, you should put forth your expectations. Empowering your team with adequate guidance and resources will further simplify their journey. For instance, share a knowledge base, relevant articles, videos and customer success stories. Try sharing your experiences to motivate them to chase excellence. This strategy will prepare them to deal with tricky situations in real-time. 

Remember, each customer is different, and dealing with them needs a unique approach. Extend your support and help them achieve customer-centricity while maintaining behavioural standards. Train your team to build an optimistic approach to dealing with stressful situations. This teaching will go a long way and help nurture a great relationship with the customers. 

  1. Not integrating technology and tools into the process 

Customer service professionals are the biggest asset for an enterprise. In this era of digitisation, they must integrate technology to streamline their work process. 

For instance, owing to the pandemic, several domains are facing severe downtime. The companies need to wait for a considerable time to make important decisions and get simple tasks like document signing done. 

In such instances, training providers should try building a technically sound team. Video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype can help teams collaborate over virtual meets. They can bridge the gap created by the pandemic and allow customers to share their concerns. 

Further, document signing usually takes time and effort, bringing down team productivity. Switch to digital signature platforms like GetAccept to save time, money, and resources. Rather than arranging in-person document signing and back-and-forth mail deliveries, it’s wise to count on such tools. These tools not only boost productivity but also improve customer experience. 

  1. Not conveying how to maintain a personalised approach 

Personalisation is one of the top priorities of customers. Around 66% of customers expect enterprises to provide them with a personalised experience. 

So, whether it's a video call, audio call, or a simple email conversation, maintaining a personalised approach is vital. As a training provider, ask your team to check each customer's information and issues. This approach will create a personalised and value-offering experience.

For instance, consider the following example of a personalised email


Observe how the customer service professional approaches the customer. The mail starts with a friendly tone by greeting the customer. After that, the professional has expressed gratitude and addressed the issue. The executive has assured to resolve the issue by the end of the day. Such a quick and practical approach can help retain the customers for the long term.

  1. Ignoring the team's effort 

Appreciation makes working professionals feel valued. 

Profile like customer service is quite challenging and feels draining at times. It can stress out the professionals that work day in and day out to add value to their customers' lives.

So, as a training manager, your responsibility goes beyond teaching. Show appreciation for your team's effort as they begin their journey. Stay involved and track their progress. Appreciate them for a job done well and resolve their pain points when they get stuck. This practice will boost their morale and keep them in a positive frame of mind. 


Empowering the customer service team is the first step to gaining loyal customers. 

A well-trained team can enhance customers' engagement with the organisation, driving a high revenue.

The mistakes and best practices shared above will help you reinvent your customer service training approach. These tips will help you conduct helpful training sessions, giving your team the push to move forward with confidence. So, go ahead and prepare your team for success!

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Hazel Raoult

Marketing Manager

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