Behaviour or Beliefs? What’s our Role?


When I began my career in Learning and Development, I remember being told that our role was about changing behaviours, not beliefs.  The thinking in those days was that beliefs were too fixed and difficult to influence but that if you taught people a new behaviour, the effectiveness of that new behaviour would eventually influence […]

Ideas for Managing Team Dynamics Training


Hiya,  I am developing a course around how to mangage team dynamics, so far the types of topics I want to cover include: Tuckermans team development model, looking at different character within a team, thinking about indivuals motivations. I am struggling to come up with some interactive activities to pepper throughout the training – has […]

Creating a randomly generated question paper


We have developed an accredited course which has a 30 question multiple choice exam at the end. We have set up 4 individual question papers from this bank but would like to add more questions to the bank and have a paper randomly generated each time. Does anyone know of a programme that can do […]

German speaking Instructional Designer


Can anyone recommend a demonstrably-competent German-speaking Instructional Designer for ongoing work based at home? Can anyone recommend a demonstrably-competent German-speaking Instructional Designer for ongoing work based at home?

Promoting Your eLearning Course To Target Audience


Coca-Cola is easily the most recognized soft drink brand on the planet. So, with this type of brand fame, will the company stop advertising? Not on your life. The point is this: Even the huge brands understand that marketing must continue, because consumers always have choices. And here you are just trying to get staff […]

How to Get Your Employees To Love Training


For any business, training their employees is a critical investment which can pay off over time with more skilled employees. But for the employees, training is often meaningless blather where they are forced to sit and listen to someone speak about useless topics without actually learning anything. Training programs often fail to engage employees because […]

Adopting disruptive technology in eLearning


What is Disruptive Technology? Look at a typical college classroom today and you’ll see a lot of laptops. Students use them to take notes, access course materials, and compare sources. Of course, they also use them to browse Facebook and shop online. The technology has obvious advantages, but it also shifts attention away from the […]

Potholes: The Very Definition of Insanity!


I am going to start by admitting that I have a very particular reason to dislike potholes, having broken my foot many years ago by stepping into one whilst wearing some (oh so beautiful) strappy sandals – but that’s a whole other story.  But, experience tells me that, whilst my tale may be unique, almost […]

How To Destroy Training Side-Eye


I’ve worked at companies where Friday mornings were training mornings. We bustled in early with the excitement of the weekend, the complimentary cheese toasties and the likely chance to take away a piece of knowledge which would genuinely improve our work glowing before us. Yes, we had a lot to get done before the week’s […]

Learning Journey for Collaborative Change


.  What did we do ?  ‘Learning Journeys’ or ‘Discovery Journeys’ encourage you to move out of your daily routine, allow you to observe more deeply and to experience a workplace, team or community challenge, or system through the lens of different stakeholders.  What happens on a facilitated  Learning Journey?  For our Learning Journey,  UK and International climate change […]

Women in Leadership:Despatches From The Front Line


Starting a conversation about women in leadership requires a clear head and a deep breath. It is a hot topic, raising issues and temperatures in offices and boardrooms around the world, and the subject of much academic study. The statistics are many and varied, and whichever way you spin them, the news is still frustrating […]

Train the Trainer Co-ordination


Hi I’ve been asked by my manager to co-ordinate a Train the Trainer programme for our large manufacturing site. I have never dealt with this before, but I am administering the programme, not delivering it, this is being done by an outsourced company, where I work closely with a gentleman from the company. I’ve been […]

The Many Benefits Of Culture Study For All


Do you ever wonder why you act differently from those living in the other parts of the world? If this is something that you want to learn in details, then, culture study could be the best option for you. By studying the societies across the globe, you will see the implications of the difference in […]

Training for collaboration


What is the difference between teamwork and collaboration? No it’s not a trick question but in many organisations the answer isn’t always straightforward and the reason is quite simple; traditional organisational hierarchies operate largely through the medium of teams. You know the sort of thing I mean; depending on size the organisation may well be […]

Training for leadership


In March 2016 I posted an article on TrainingZone entitled “Leadership is a journey.”  It was based on the John Donahoe quote “Leadership is a journey, not a destination.  It is a marathon, not a sprint.  It is a process, not an outcome.” In this article I’m going to return to that theme, looking at […]

Addressing poor employee engagement with training


A recent Gallup poll suggests that poor employee engagement is contributing to high staff turnover, as managers across the globe struggle to meet the needs of their staff. Of the 1500 employees surveyed, 24% of them described themselves as disengaged.  Statistics indicate that low engagement can often lead to decreased productivity, profitability and morale. Our […]

Breaking Out of Our Boxes


Recent political events have led to a plethora of politically inspired posts on Facebook, which at least makes a change from photographs of food or posts about the weather. I’ve seen insightful quotes, heated exchanges about the merits of Brexit or Trump’s Travel ban and news of an apparent terror attack in Sweden that even […]

How To Turn A Diverse Group Into A Solid Team


As a manager, it’s critical that your employees learn how to work as a solid team in order to maximize productivity, efficiency and trust in the workplace. However, a diverse group of people can often seem difficult to pair together, and many managers are left with an organized disarray of employees who don’t collaborate as […]

Unconscious Bias training activities


Hello, Can anyone help me in sharing any activities that demonstrate unconscious bias – I remember an activity with a plane from a long time ago – but can not remember this! Hello,Can anyone help me in sharing any activities that demonstrate unconscious bias – I remember an activity with a plane from a long […]