Trainer’s tip: Tailor-made training


What can you charge for bespoke design – especially if it is ‘exclusive’ to one client? Several trainers share their experience. Sheridan Webb advises:As someone who focuses almost exclusively on designing training, you bet I charge for it! Most clients I work with want something that reflects their structure, culture, customers and situations. So, although […]

Trainer’s tip: Counting the cost of no-shows


How do you count the cost of no-shows to training? There seems little in the way of hard facts, but what we do know is they cost money – and lots of it. Graham O’Connell says a tough approach is what’s needed to tackle non-attendance. Figures do vary significantly from one organisation to another. I […]

Trainer’s tip: Qualifications or experience?


Is experience enough as a training manager, or do you need a qualification? Graham O’Connell says qualifications from the University of Life are all very well, but you really need at least a CTP. Graham O’Connell advises:I met someone once who proudly announced that he had studied at the university of life. The trouble was […]

Trainer’s tip: Going through the 360 degree


What do managers really think about 360 degree feedback? David Cooper says responses span the emotional spectrum, from excitement to full-on fear. David Cooper of Lumus replies:We’ve had the privilege of supporting hundreds of managers to convert their 360 degree feedback into positive, forward-looking actions that benefit them and their organisations. For many managers, receiving […]

Trainer’s tip: Counting the cost of experience


How do you measure the loss to a business when someone with great experience leaves? And can this be calculated in financial terms? Graham O’Connell offers advice. Graham O’Connell replies:I’m not sure you can easily measure the lost knowledge, experience and capability in simple financial terms.Those working in knowledge management talk of harvesting this experience […]

Trainer’s tip: All hands on deck for team building


Getting a group to work together to solve a problem that one person on their own cannot is a cheap and effective form of team building, advises Alice Ma. I’ve just run a couple of games for a group of 40. The first one provides a fun way to start off the team building event. […]

Trainer’s tip: Recording informal learning


What’s the best way to record informal learning? Nick Hindley explains what works for him. Whatever system you decide to implement, hand written log, on-line blog, formal personal review report etc., you will need to ascertain what the motivation is for individuals to carry out this activity on a permanent basis, forming positive habits.The problem […]

Trainer’s tip: Removing the block to elearning


How do you get staff to embrace elearning? And how do you surmount the mental block to self directed elearning in particular? A blended approach helps, say Tim Drewitt and Rus Slater – and follow up is essential. Tim Drewitt advises:I’ve been involved with elearning for over 15 years now and at all times, I […]

Trainer’s tip: Making leadership training practical


Garry Platt and Tim Drewitt share their experience and expertise. Garry Platt advises: I would suggest that the process of transfer and transposition of learning on the course into action in the workplace might be part of your programme design and this will contribute towards contextualising and making the material practical. Get candidates to go […]

Trainer’s tip: If the boot fits…


How do you know that you are suited to a job in training? And what has helped the most in your career? That was a question posed by Jessica Chace on our Any Answers forum. Here’s what our trainers had to say about the world’s best job. Andrew Miller enthusiastically replied:Congratulations in taking the step […]

Trainer’s tip: You can lead a horse to water…


How do you tackle managers who are stuck in their bad, old habits and refuse to change? Several trainers offer their advice. Motivating is crucial says Nick Hindley:It seems you have a lack of motivation from the managers concerned here. I would drive the agenda in two ways.Firstly, carry out some work with the team […]

Trainer’s tip: Weeding out the lemons


How do you ensure that you’re not stuck with a ‘lemon’ as a trainer? Do you get what you pay for? Can you see the trainer in action first? Is the way ahead performance bonds? Read the responses to George Edwards question here. Rus Slater advises:It takes the tree, the soil, the sun, the water […]

Trainer’s tip: Carrot or stick?


How do you make mandatory online learning a success? Is it better to use a carrot or a stick? It’s a topic that obviously caught your attention, with more than 1,500 of you looking at the answers in a short space of time. Here’s a rundown of all the helpful advice that has been posted […]

Trainer’s tip: The best way to charge for training


Daily rate, delegate rate, project rate – what’s the best way to charge for one-to-one training? This is a big question and one that I am often asked by our members; especially those entering the market from the ‘safety’ of employment.The basic premise is that you have to make your time pay. The model that […]

Trainer’s tip: Smoking the pipe of peace


Andrew Bradbury recommends the old Native American way of encouraging listening to what others have to say. Old Native American process – during tribal discussions one peace pipe was handed around the group, and only the person currently holding the pipe could speak. That meant that everyone else had to listen, even to the most […]

Trainer’s tip: More than a hat trick


Rus Slater says the seven S model is the secret to team goal setting. You might want to consider using a derivation of the seven S model for this. Although it was originally used as a way to evaluate excellence it can also be used as an holistic planning tool: The S’s are:- Shared Vision […]

Trainer’s tip: Orientation or Induction? That is the Question


Bob Selden says induction may be the most important training a company ever undertakes. I believe that induction is the most important training the organisation can undertake and deserves a large portion of the training budget – after all, this is where and when people are keenest and where you will shape the way they […]

Trainer’s tip: Team Building


Graham O’Connell says fun and learning can be combined to create a perfect team building exercise. My general tips are: Avoid too many activities that just make the point that team working or collaboration is a good thing; have a bias towards those activities that help people work together constructively and build those skills. Combine […]

Trainer’s tip: Increasing Staff Versatility


Karyn Romeis advises that adaptability can be the key to success Setting up a schedule of rotations is a great idea, especially since it will also get staff to re-examine what it is that actually do, as they train one another.In a company my mother used to work for (donkeys’ years ago) all the office […]

Trainer’s tip: Kirkpatrick’s Level 3 Evaluation


Martin Schmalenbach offers advice on how to encourage managers to return evaluation data. It’s hard to simplify an already simple process (I’m making assumptions here!).I suspect the reason why you are having to chase managers for this data is that they don’t value the evaluation process enough to give it attention, not thet there is […]