Trainer’s tip: To Brand Or Not To Brand, That is The Question
Martin Schmalenbach gives his advice about branding of training materials. Students of Accelerated Learning will know where I’m coming from in my reply.Those familiar with AL will tend perhaps towards the ‘yes’ camp – company style and branding CAN reduce effectiveness of the learning materials.Branding & transmission of values & ethos happens in every case […]
Trainer’s Tip: Toasting Public Speaking Success
Matthew Jennings suggests Toastmasters can help build confidence in public speaking. If it is just you as an individual looking for help, have you tried Toastmasters? It is an international not for profit organsiation aimed at helping people build confidence in public speaking. There will be a group near you – just type Toastmasters London […]
Trainer’s Tip: Upward Feedback
Rus Slater describes the unexpected outcome of a 360 degree feedback programme. I was peripherally involved in a 360 feedback programme some years ago and it brought earth-shattering results for one particular manager.The chap had always seen himself as the “salt of the earth” as he was an ex-shop steward. He was devastated to discover […]
Trainer’s Tip: Make Them Laugh
Natasha Goggin offers some fun ideas on how to bring questioning skills to life. A method that I’ve previously used to successfully bring questioning styles to life is the use of a tutor role play(using two tutors, if you have that luxury, or else a willing volunteer from the group to be questioned). I tell […]
Trainer’s Tip: Design Time
Members often turn to TrainingZone’s Any Answers board to pose the question: “How long does it take to design a new course?” Here Graham O’Connell pulls together a few of the discussions on the topic. Design time varies with a number of factors. See these earlier threads:Design & development timeTraining development. Do you have any […]
Trainer’s Tip: Avoid Email Embarrassment
Great advice on how to avoid the most common email mistakes from Jane Smith. Emails create more embarrassment and problems than just about any other form of communication – and it’s usually the email’s great advantages of convenience, speed and multiple connectivity that are the culprits.The most important rule is, of course, to think before […]
Trainer’s Tip: Telephone Techniques Exercises
Gail Winwood shares two exercises she has used successfully on a telephone techniques course. Here are a couple of exercises I have found very effective. Working in pairs and seated back to back the couples take it in turns to reproduce the geographic shapes that their partner has. Free communication is allowed however they cannot […]
Trainer’s Tip: Induction Feedback
Nik Kellingley has some advice on how to get solid feedback on an induction process. It will take an honest approach to things and to accept feedback in the spirit it was given but you could: Look at initial performance reviews, how well are people integrating and taking to the task in hand. Look at […]
Trainer’s Tip: Induction for Directors and Senior Managers
How do you put together an induction for directors and senior managers? Nic Shugar has this advice. Here are some thoughts based on some “100 day” coaching programmes I have run. Not comprehensive by any means, but hopefully a thought-starter or stirrer1. Organisational structure at overview and detailed level.2. Review of vision and culture for […]
Trainer’s Tip: Charging for Non-Attendance
How do you deal with the perennial problem of non-attenders? Graham O’Connell has some ideas. I have worked with a number of organisations on this very issue. I have found some where about 25% of the budget is effectively wasted because of last minute cancellations and ‘no shows’.I have used a range of options from […]
Trainer’s Tip: Creating a ‘Buzz’ Around a Training Course
How do you increase interest in a training course before the event? April Parker offers this idea. At my last company, we ran an “Essential Management Skills” programme which we had invested quite a lot of money and time in designing and marketing internally. It was really important that the delegates buy into the objectives […]
Trainer’s Tip: Investors in People Task Force
If you are battling the idea in your organisation that Investors in People (IIP) is just a badge, this advice from Robin Cox should help everyone realise its true potential. Recruit your new managers to form an IIP Task Force. Get backing and sponsorship for this by canvassing the support of your CEO and senior […]
Trainer’s Tip: Code of Conduct for Associate Trainers
Advice from Graham O’Connell on how to formalise ground rules for associate trainers. You might want to look at an earlier thread at check out our code of ethics see: Dress code is a tricky one. It is hard to set out in detail what is or is not acceptable, and anyway that […]
Trainer’s Tip: Selecting an External Trainer
Selecting an external trainer can be hard; even if you’ve had a recommendation, can you be sure they will deliver for your organisation? Graham O’Connel has some advice. You should have criteria for selecting the trainer/provider. For example, if you want to do a high level CPD event for seasoned project managers then you will […]
Trainer’s Tip: Team Tactics and Sabotage
Derek Hughes has come up with this team exercise that includes some underhand practices… Split into groups of six and give them a task to complete (eg build a bridge out of paper, card and paper-clips that can hold a cup of water).Distribute the resources randomly so groups have to barter with each other to […]
Ask the Expert: Training Portals
This week our experts look at how to create a useful and useable, in-house training portal. Question: Over the last few months, I have been involved in the creation of a number of user manuals and job-aids for this company that I am currently sub-contracted to. I suggested that it would be a good idea […]
Trainer’s Tip: Telling Tales
Mike Morrison recounts an exercise that puts a popular children’s story in a new light. The Story: Goldilocks and the Three Bears:Goldilocks wanders into the house of the Three Bears. She tastes their porridge, finding one bowl “too hot,” one bowl “too cold,” and one bowl “just right.” Goldilocks also tries out their chairs, finding […]
Trainer’s Tip: Translating Vision and Values
Kirsten Holder offers some ideas on how to meaningfully introduce the organisation’s vision and values during a staff induction. Unless people can see how the values can be integrated into their working life, they will remain something that simply sits on the wall.Activities that I’ve used in the past have included:1. Ask the group to […]
Trainer’s Tip: Secrets and Lies
A twist on an old favourite ice breaker, from Steve Mosley, helps delegates test their people skills. I use this exercise a lot on leadership courses as it covers one of the critical components of leadership in a fun way i.e. knowing the people behind the employee.Teams of two interview each other and find out […]
Trainer’s Tip: Energiser for a Large Group
Stephen Roberts details an energiser for a large group of managers. I have used a simple exercise in which everyone lines up, either as part of an inner or an outer circle (each circle must have the same number of people). Each circle faces the other. The participants (as the face each other – one […]