5 Strategies to Promote Your Next Online Workshop
Your online workshops and classes may teach incredibly valuable skills. But does your marketing properly communicates the value you are delivering? If you are struggling to secure high attendance rate for your online events, perhaps it’s time to reconsider your approaches. Below are several marketing strategies worth considering to attract a bigger crowd to your […]
Learning transfer: why we need to see learning as a pathway, not an event
Learning transfer will not happen simply from a one-off training event. It takes a well-designed learning process to overcome the learning application challenge. Below are five key elements that will help L&D professionals create a pathway to success. It has been said that the goal of training is neither training, nor learning. Rather, it is to […]
3 Challenges When Moving Your Training Online
There is no doubt that companies who move at least some of their training programs online realise some big benefits. Probably the biggest benefit is flexibility. Online training eliminates the issues of scheduling physical training sessions that will accommodate both trainees and trainers – cancellations by trainees due to other obligations or emergencies will never […]
Learning Is the Best Weapon Against Office Boredom
Office boredom has existed for as long as human beings have worked in offices. Different people have different methods for dealing with this tedious affliction. Methods for defeating boredom include obsessively checking Instagram, texting friends, ruminating about after work errands or simply watching the minutes tick by while staring at a monitor, pretending to work. […]
Problem solving techniques: creative options for trainers and facilitators
As trainers, our job isn’t to solve an organisation’s problems, but rather to give teams the tools to solve any issues themselves. Therefore this article will provide some techniques to help get people thinking differently and collaborating better. As leadership and management become more focused on collaboration rather than command and control, it’s essential that trainers […]
Top 10 Tips for Learning Online
To get the most from learning online and ensuring that you remember, and can apply, your learning long term there are a number of things that can help you. If you have not used online learning before it is very likely that you are going to learn some IT skills along the way, which you […]
Engaging your virtual learners
We now live in a continuous learning culture. Most of us recognize that we can access a wide range of learning material and we are making use of it. Whether it’s checking out how to fold a duvet cover on YouTube or virtually joining an international economics course at MIT, the plethora of eLearning, formal […]
Questioning Skills Exercises/role plays.
Hi, I know it's a bit of an old one this, but I'm going to be running some half-day sessions with some recruitment people who need to enhance their questioning skills as a means to understand their client's needs. I need to get them to be asking questions – a lot – in order to […]
How to ensure team members are all on the same page
Communication breakdown can quickly spiral among team members when the heat is on to meet deadlines and targets. How can project managers and team leads ensure smooth working relationships that lead to successful projects? Most project managers will experience times when it feels like their teams don’t understand them. This tends to occur when chaos […]
Workplace culture: train your staff to have a voice and reap cultural rewards
To truly make employees feel heard at work, organisations need to go beyond the comment box. Here’s how appointing and training staff representatives can transform your business. The last year, more than ever, has been dominated by questions and concerns around organisational culture for many of us HR, training and business leaders. From sexual misconduct […]
Learning at work: the three barriers that limit learning potential
Why are some people open to learning while others, in similar organisations/roles, are completely closed off from it? There are three main barriers that leaders need to overcome to turn employees from sceptics into learning enthusiasts. I have always been fascinated by the way in which some teams and individuals demonstrate a real openness to learning whereas […]
Train, don’t torture: how to avoid another boring, useless training session
Many employees view skills training as a waste of time – so how can you engage and inspire these people and ensure they take something useful away from your session? Skills training is a proven draw for talent, yet it remains a source of dread for many busy workers. Common concerns include: ‘how will I […]
The art of persuasion: the new top skill needed by employees?
What’s now the most desirable quality among employees? According to the latest global LinkedIn data on job opportunities and what employers are asking for from applicants, it’s the skill of persuasion. ‘Persuasion’, though, is often seen as being more like manipulation and lies. The kind of dark art used by sales people to pressurise customers into […]
Mindfulness for trainers: silencing the inner critic
In part five of this content series on how to become a mindful trainer, Kay Buckby, Facilitator at The Mindful Trainer, explains how to quieten the mind from its inner critic through practising mindfulness techniques. What trainer hasn’t read ten ‘happy sheets’ and discarded the nine that had wonderful comments, in favour of the one […]
It’s all about the numbers: how to help your teams have the confidence and ability to develop numeracy skills
Ahead of National Numeracy Day – which takes place on 15th May – KPMG and other leading businesses have joined National Numeracy in calling on the UK business community to help improve the nation’s numeracy skills. Here are five ways L&D professionals can help with this positive drive. Research shows that an estimated 18.5 million […]
Holistic learning: how to engage the body in learning
How to make learning a physical experience.
Five key features that make an engaging training video
Videos are growing in popularity as a learning resource, but poorly executed materials can do more harm than good. Here are five tips to make sure your videos are the best possible quality. As digital technology has advanced, so too have the opportunities to use them to support learning in the workplace. Training videos in […]
Featured content
How to become more proactive and less reactive
Being a proactive person isn’t just about getting things done, at its heart it should mean taking affirmative action within strategic parameters. Most people, if you were to ask them, think of themselves as being pretty proactive. We have so much choice, information and freedom now, coupled with a strong sense of individuality. We operate within that cozy bubble […]
Trainers’ tips: understanding these four body language signals will make you a better trainer
The difference between an engaged learner and one whose mind is elsewhere can be clearly seen in their body language. Here, we look at the signs to watch for and explain how to get everyone in the room back on track. As a trainer, you will find that no two delegates are the same. You […]