I'm looking at improving our current talent management by assessing the feasibility of a management rotation program and a graduate program for existing staff (we have a significant number of graduates neglected when it comes to development). Do you have a management rotation program? I'd be interested to hear how it works e.g. selection process, identifying opportunities, duration of rotation, if it's one or more rotations. Have you implemented a graduate program aimed at existing staff? Again, I'd be interested in the logistics of it. I'd also welcome any comments or thoughts on the right culture for these initiatives. We're working on the perception and responsibilities of development at the moment.

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yes we do
We find on-the-job learning supported by rotation (of job, location, function) to be an extremely valuable way of developing employees. This is aligned with individual aspirations and development plans, succession plans and membership of particular talent pools (eg commercial trainee, female commercial, emerging market leadership). Assessment for these talent pools is based upon performance and potential plus other specific criteria relevant to the pool. Duration reflects intent (eg awareness or competence) and objectives – no set answer – anything from 4 weeks to 12 months. Number of rotations is also reflection of intent (eg commercial trainnee will have maybe 5 or 6 in 12 months)
Logistics of it? Be clear about your intent and objectives, have measures in place and ensure you have people who are formally responsible (formal RASCI).
Right culture? Needs a commitment to development and clear understanding of your talent pipeline challenges.