I am doing research into the skills and attributes needed for knowledge management roles. To aid analysis of data from the questionnaires, I am looking for a taxonomy/thesaurus/controlled language in this field, as respondents will certainly use a variety of terms for the same or similar concepts. If anyone knows of anything which might help, please let me know.
Claire Haincourt
Claire Haincourt
2 Responses
I’d be interested in a taxonomy also.
I am a Knowledge Management consultant and have given this subject a little thought but have yet to compile a list. If someone else posts a taxonomy then I too would be interested in a copy. If not – I’d be happy to work with you electronically to put one together.
David Gurteen
Framework of KM Skills
Dear Claire
Last year I developed a framework of KM Skills. This was for a client and used their categories of creating, sharing and using knowledge. For each of these I identified skills at three levels, namely Knowledge About Doing Things Well; Knowledge About Doing Things Better; Knowledge About Doing Better Things.
Because I then used the framework to design an instrument I kept to the same arbitrary number of skills in each of the above sets Knowledge – ie 10 skills in each of 9 (3 x 3) sets.
If you are interested in this I can contact the client – one of the “Big 6” (or 5 or whatever they are down to these days) and see to what extent they are willing to let others see the framework. I imagine they would want to know more about you, your organisation and what you are trying to do.
Best wishes
Tom Boydell