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Team Building for the whole Company


I am looking into setting up team building sessions for the whole factory (approx 70 employees). We are a 24/7 manufacturer.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish this mammoth task?

The idea is not only for team building but to give all the employees a morale boost too.

I thought maybe a fun experience followed by some coaching/feedback.

Can anyone recommend any good training companies?
Judith Barker

4 Responses

  1. Team Building
    Hi Judith,

    We are currently working with a number of clients in teh manufacturing industry helping with team building skills and other soft skills training and coaching.

    I would be more than happy to speak with you to find out more about your needs and discuss how we could be of assistance.

    Please feel free to call me on 020 7845 4218 or email me at [email protected].



  2. What’s the problem?
    My experience is mixed in this area – mixed in that a fun day out ultimately makes things worse when things don’t change, and people realise that the time and money spent could have gone towards more material improvements to their working situation, be it pay, equipment, etc.

    You need to really get at the root causes of whatever the problem is – my experience certainly suggests that what looks like a morale problem is actually the *symptom* of another problem – probably to do with equipment, systems, processes and structures – particularly in manufacturing.

    It may be that in determining the root cause it becomes apparent that part of the solution is something along the lines you hint at.

    You may find our evaluation method useful – there are free downloads on our web site at

    This approach is very much about finding and tackling the root causes.

    Apart from offering our own services to help you in this regard, let me also offer up John Spencer-Ades at Consult-Us Solutions. You can find him at and on the phone: 01635 869548

    Good luck!

  3. Team Building
    My colleague, John, has relevant experience of assisting companies with similar requirements as yours.

    He says that breaking down silos within shift patterns is crucial for integrating individuals into a “whole company” working culture.

    By running a series of events over a month or more you would be able to create an enjoyable and memorable learning outcome which your staff will be talking about across shifts.

    If you want to discuss it further, call John McCarthy on 01931-740027.

  4. An appreciative approach might help
    There are lots of examples in the literature of appreciative inquiry(Ai) of whole company events that have made a profound difference. You can work over time, if that suits your pattern of work.

    The idea of Ai is to look for what gives life to the organisation by generating “success stories” from all staff and then helping everyone build a shared dream from that, work out what that would mean in practice and deliver it. This process releases massive amounts of positive energy and enthusiasm.

    You can find out more from I also have two nice graphics and an article I can email if you want.

    Best wishes

    Nick Heap [email protected] and 01707 886553


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