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The eLearning Network Announces New Chairman


The eLearning Network (eLN), the association for users and developers of all forms of eLearning, has appointed Clive Shepherd its new chairman.

"I’m proud to be given the chance to help steer the eLearning Network through an exciting period of growth and change. ELearning is growing rapidly, not only in its uptake but also in the breadth of opportunities that it provides," he said.

"It’s our aim to bring together all those working in eLearning to collaborate in exploiting these opportunities and, as a result, provide benefits to employers and employees throughout the UK."

Mr Shepherd, an independent consultant specialising in the application of technology to learning and communications at work, received the Colin Corder Award for services to IT training in 2003, and the award for Outstanding Contribution to the Training Industry at the World of Learning conference in 2004. He has written many published articles and books and has a blog Clive on Learning.

The eLearning Network, which celebrated its 20th anniversary this year, is a non-profit making body that exists to promote information and best practice among the eLearning industry.

To find out more about the eLearning Network go to


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