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I want to make my workshop on "How to conduct an effective TNA" come alive with exciting activities rather than the straightforward activity going through the process steps and case-studies.
James Low

4 Responses

  1. Ironside?
    Why not run the TNA a bit like a courtroom drama?

    The scenario could be that you are defending a client who is accused of negligence. By showing that they have not had the full and appropriate training they can’t be held negligent.

    In questioning etc you find out what the requirements are, how they should be met, whether they have been met etc.

    You could have a defence team perhaps, and a prosecuting team (e.g. management?!!)

    I’m sure there’s more mileage in here somewhere!

    Have fun!


    Martin Schmalenbach

  2. TNA course
    Why not get them to conduct a real TNA – give them the task, in small group, to collect real TNA evidence (as much as they can in the time) using more than one method. Let the groups come to you for consultancy advice in the planning stage and then give them 1 hr to collect data (using phone or face to face interviews, e-mailed questionnaires, collecting management info, etc.); 15 mins to collate and analyse their results, 15 mins to decide what action to take and how to report back to the rest of the group.

  3. What is wrong with a case study?
    I recently ran a session for a group of trainers that was aimed to help them to do TNA in it’s widest sense. We had a case study that was straightforward but had many of the sophistications and complexities of real life built in. The students found that by approaching the case study and the “role played investigations” intelligently they built not only a fantastic set of business based learning objectives but also a very innovative “performance improvement” solution.

    A good case study can be really stimulating and challenging. I’d be happy to share the detail with you if you are interested.

    Rus Slater

  4. Obvious?
    erm…at the risk of stating the obvious, you could get them to do a TNA on themselves for the training course itself. Presumably you are designing course content based on what they need to learn?

    Why not make it up as you go along, based on a live TNA? Then, hey presto! The course is more effective, time efficient and practical because you’re presenting what they need to know. Unless, of course, a TNA is for some other purpose.

    When I run any course I adapt it as I go based on the direction the delegates need to go in. I always find they know a lot more than they think they do and I would have wasted their valuable time when I could have covered something new and interesting.

    Also remember that on this course in particular, you are a role model for the delegates. How would you like them to lead their courses/TNAs?

    As with all of these things, don’t talk about it – do it.