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Tracking down a beliefs & values exercise


I am working with a small consulting firm who want to do a beliefs and values exercise with a number of their associates as part of a wider strategy planning exercise.My main clients there keep referring to a card-sort exercise they did about 4 years ago. Does anyone know whatthis might be?
Help! Tim
Tim Harman

6 Responses

  1. Values exercise
    You might be looking for a card exercise simply called Values, sub title – A practical approach to understanding organisational values and cultures.
    This was jointly designed by Consultants Ltd, and Warwickshire County Council
    The basic exercise calls for the group to sort a series of about 70 statements into Value or Don’t Value categories and then do a further sort into Happens or Doesn’t happen.

  2. Values andBeliefs Cards
    Dear Tim

    Which values and beliefs sets are you searching for? Life, Work, Relationship…..If you’re looking for Life Values and Beliefs the Success Group developed and use a set of cards. Cards are sorted into separate packs, ranked a number of times and finally distilled into a set of Values for work, life, or whatever topic is being learned in the session.

    Do please let me know if we canhelp further.
    Maria Bennett
    Success Group

  3. Values, Attitudes and Beliefs
    I have a values attitudes and beliefs exercise which works well. It explores the difference between values, attitudes and beliefs, asks people to consider their own personal values, attitudes and beliefs, and their professional values. From the professional values identified, the team ranks them in importance, and uses the five most important values to form a mission statement or similar statement.

    Used alongside a number of other exercises, this forms the culmination of a team building event, setting out the team’s stall for the future. Happy to share it with anyone interested…

  4. I don’t know, but . . . .
    Tim, if it isn’t the one that was referred to by the first respondent, then would you consider creating your own? The people who keep referring to the exercise may recall some of the words written on the cards, which should point you in the direction of what types of values were listed. Just get some coloured card (you can even colour code types of values in terms of work, home, identity, spiritual, etc) and put the words onto them.

    Or better yet, just get the card, get the participants to write down their values, and they can consider colour coding – or not! – the values themselves. You can then align the ones which are individually important with those that are important to your business with the participants, so everyone is clear about what values to have in place when “on the job.” It will also tell the company what is important to individuals thereby making motivators (to do a better job) obvious.


  5. Tim – beliefs and values exercise
    This sounds like rep grid – where I usually use a five x 3 inch set of cards to establish constructs and elements. The originator was Kelly. Respondents choose why two cards contain dieas that are related and oneis different – under various headings.

    Books on this date from about 1960 onwards – Repertory grid.

  6. Tracking Down a Values & Beliefs Exercise
    I use a set of cards in a programme that I have designed around personal excellence and communication.

    The programme called ‘The True Colours Experience’is based around the work of Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and Stephen Covey’s work on ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ It uses the Insights System into Personal Effectiveness and their four colour energies to represent different personality preferences.

    The cards are colour-coded according to the different personality energies. I find the cards work very well because it makes the session fast-paced, participative and fun.

    The cards are particularly useful in developing areas of perception, personal style, communication, values and beliefs, value to the team, management style and blind spots.

    Works with up to 12 people and lasts about 20 minutes.

    If you need any more information, give me a ring on 0151 677 8135.