I work as a trainer for a few years (within an organization), but I do not have any accreditation for it and I would really like to get a certificate or accreditation or similiar (e.g if I want to become a freelancer etc.) Which way to go? What accreditations are there for trainers? All advices are wellcome!
Thanks a milion
ana klincic

4 Responses
Depends on what you need
There was a FAQ on this site for this, but I can’t find it to point you to it at the moment.
Basically – it depends what you need/want?
General certification ranges from NVQs in training and development through to the City & Guilds 7307 Further and Adult Education Teachers Certificate (available from most local Further Education Colleges in the UK).
Specific accreditation from the likes of Microsoft or the Institute of IT Training is available if that is your specific area, and I suspect similar schemes may exist in other subject areas.
There are some general professional bodies which provide an ‘overarching’ qualification/recognition of your status (for example, I belong to the Society of Teachers in Business Education, but that is more suited to school and college teachers rather than trainers in organisations).
Otherwise there are some general schemes available from FE colleges and Universities that may be tailored to your specific needs. The University of Sunderland for example runs a scheme of qualifications ranging from Certificate to Postgraduate Certificate that can be tailored to almost anything (their Independent and Combined Studies Lifelong Learning scheme), and many others do something very similar.
Hope this helps.
Check theme page
I think the page that david is referring to is https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/cgi-bin/item.cgi?id=45599 – which is the Theme page for ‘Accreditation and Qualifications’ (this months theme). The link also appears on the Home page in the right hand editorial box at the moment (26/09/01)
Trainer Certficate – Commercially recognised
Certification of delivery skills is no longer the exception in the training industry, it is becoming the baseline from which all trainers should start.
There are many options out there, all fitting different needs, but you may wish to look into CTT+ (Certified Technnical Trainer) which is the only international, vendor neutral certification for delivery skills. It is accepted by such software vendors as Microsoft, Novell, Oracle and CiW, but it stands alone as proof of excellent training skills as well. You can complete the two part CTT+ exam on your own, or you can go through a course to prepare yourself for it. You can find out more on http://www.corplearn.co.uk.
Best of luck!
You could get the CIPD Certificate in training practice
I am at present doing my certificate in training practice at Thames Valley University. It is an open learning course which lasts about 9 months and can be done in 2 ways, you can either do evening study or block days through out the course. It costs £1600 but if you fund it yourself you get a discount.
Or alternately you could go to a training company who do block courses, I know that Malpas do it.
I hope this helps.