If you have management training coming up, try this exercise from Phil Morgan.
A nice simple exercise is to ask the following questions:
Why do people perform?
Why do people not perform?
1. Split the group into small sub groups and get them to answer the questions on a flip chart.
2. Debrief the answers (likely to be things like feeling valued, respected, give responsibility etc.)
3. Then, reviewing the list, ask them to identify the role of the manager in creating this performance environment.
This exercise always creates a good quality output that can be referred back to time and time again.
A nice simple exercise is to ask the following questions:
Why do people perform?
Why do people not perform?
1. Split the group into small sub groups and get them to answer the questions on a flip chart.
2. Debrief the answers (likely to be things like feeling valued, respected, give responsibility etc.)
3. Then, reviewing the list, ask them to identify the role of the manager in creating this performance environment.
This exercise always creates a good quality output that can be referred back to time and time again.
One Response
Thats great!
I am conducting a team building session for a senior management group on Sun. Its a small group of 15 people, all Heads of Departments. Can u please help me with some elaboration on this and maybe some more tips to make the session more interesting and effective.