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Steve Robson

Marine Industry

Learning and Development Consultant

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Trainers TV


How many of you would like to see Trainers TV? A bit like or Teachers TV but solely for Trainers to share good practice? This could be a start... Update: Just made a short video that explains Tarsia software. ( Can't upload yet due to firewall but working on it. I think this has the makings of a great training / trainers aid.

8 Responses

  1. Trainers TV

    Hi Steve, I like your idea so much I approached Sky TV about four years ago with the same proprosition. They felt that it might work but asked who the audience would be sold. The poulation of trainers was apparently not big enough. I think training has been used to form the basis of programmes but the training is a support act to the main show like:

    Would like to meet – life coaching 

    Paukl McKenna – various shows using NLP techniques

    Allan Pease in the 70’s – body language 

    Demmming also has his own series of programmes which showcase some of his major techniques, cannot  remember the channel?    

    They did suggest the possibility of using a community channel which I have not followed up.   

    Probably the best option would be a series of sessions on facebook or similar if yuo got a group together to contribute sessions?  



  2. trainers TV

    With audience like teachers, ultimately they are employed by a large employer with a big budget, where as most trainers have access to a relatively disparate budget in a diluted market place.

    On we allow learning professionals and trainers to create their own blogs (free), and several have uploaded or integrated their own video content, I’m sure we can set up a page to aggregate all the videos into one place to have our own "trainersTV" channel


  3. Trainers TV
    Thanks Mike

    I think any observations of fellow trainers are always useful and I do try and dip in to Teachers TV videos as often as possible.

    Recently discovered Twitter which I am finding really usefull to share ideas.

  4. screenr is so easy to use


    Many thanks for your great lead on screenr. I have just made a 4 minute presentation on Delivering Feedback and it was so easy! I agree with your comments that trainers could ‘show their wares’ by using sites such as screenr. I have considered using shared sites like Scribd but the advantage with screenr is that the trainer can talk around the slides so bringing the presentation to life.

    Many thanks!



  5. Jing
    Thanks Ranjit

    Good that you find it useful. I have been using Jing on my Twitter account as it allows video and single screen capture and is very very easy to use.

    Best regards


  6. twitter, and other “trainers” channels

    Twitter is great, last year TZ did a great piece on how to use twitter –

    I have been using Twitter ( ) for just over a year and find it a very powerful place to share ideas and learn from others.

    With the many video production software tools now available, I suspect this area will grow, especially with the explosion of Iphone and android handsets that can used to watch such data.

    Putting your videos on YouTube can help too, as other phones like the nokia’s etc have apps to enable videos from this site.


  7. Twitter
    Thanks Mike…interesting!

    I am now following you! Early days on Twitter but I have already compiles a list of resources that I wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

    I still go back to my opriginal point of actually observing other Trainers becuase no amount of web sites and fancy ideas can replace actually watching someone train to improve your own skills.

    Best regards


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Steve Robson

Learning and Development Consultant

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