I work as a training officer for a charity organisation. We are, throughout the organisation, dependent on a host of incredible volunteers who give us their time and skills for free in support of our cause. We are always looking for ways of making our training budget go further and while there is funding and free training available for essential skills development there doesn't seem to be much in the areas of management and personal development training. We were wondering if there are trainers out there who are willing to donate their time (perhaps a day a year) as volunteers to deliver courses for us and thereby save us the cost of going to external providers. Perhaps there is an organisation where trainers bank their time as other professionals do? Is anyone aware of an organisation that deals with this kind of specialised volunteering or do you have any other ideas about how one might go about researching this idea?

17 Responses
give me a call
Dear Anon
Please have a look at my website; http://www.coach-and-courses.com
If you think I could help then, subject to locality and your charity aims, I may be amenable to providing you with some free service.
Rus Slater
Just a thought – there is a government scheme called either People Bank or Time Bank which does just what you say (it is not just for training – its aimed at anyone banking some personal time to help charities using their professional skills). Also depending on where you are located it might be worth contacting your local LSC or RDA as they may be help to help funding wise. The other route I would take is to perhaps ask your local CiPD trainer/college/uni if any of their training certificate recent graduates would like some hands on experience ?
Charity Trainers
Contact NVCO about Charity Days where trainers donate their time free to charities.
Sandra Beale
Voluntary scheme for trainers
I ran a scheme for several years which I devised myself and I cannot see why companies could not use this approach.
For two years I managed a team of trainers and we had no budget for trainer development (long story).
I asked each of the team to find a suitable organisation outside of the company which would be grateful of their services and allow them to develop a new area or depth of understanding.
Each trainer had five paid days and were expected to add five of their own. So ten days per year. They were at liberty to earn money in their own time if appropriate, most did not charge for their time.
The range of organisations they worked for was truly awe inspiring, Churches, Fire Brigade, HM Prison, women’s refuge, kitchen rejects shop, consultancy firm and an outdoor training company.
The only restriction was that they were no allowed to work for a competitor.
A structured scheme which I cam across some years later which included this sort of leave for all managers and high potential folk was called business in the community.
Good luck.
Please drop me a note letting me know who you are, what your volunteers do and what management skills they need. I have a thought which amy or may not help, but is worth exploring
Volunteer Training
Please email a bit more detail and your location and let’s see what can be done.
no cost training
try Timebank as previously suggested or online option at http://www.vdslearningzone.org.uk a free online package in working with and managing volunteers
Expenses only training for charities
Charity Days has already been mentioned by Sandra – here’s a bit more information.
I act as the cordinator & try & get volunteers for specific Charity requests. Over 90 trainers have kindly offered their time free of charge and quite often several trainers volunteer for a project. The only charges made are to cover travel / materials & accommodation if required. For more information our website is ukcharitydays.co.uk or you can call me on 01757 638748.
It’s a fabulous group of generous people and I would urge any registered charities to come to us with training needs. We can’t guarantee there is always a trainer with the right skills in the right location but we will do our best to find one!
Jane Tredgett
Search the database
Of the 2000+ trainers on http://www.trainerbase.co.uk roughly 50% have indicated that they offer charity discount. Go to the Trainers page http://www.trainerbase.co.uk/trainers choose the subject(s) you are looking for and put a tick in the Charity Discount check box.
Hope this helps.
like you I work for a charity, where there is little money around for management or leadership training. However there is some in future builders funding. I have also developed some management training packs which I could send you. Let me know if I can help.
Time banking
I work as training and events co-ordinator for Time Banks UK (see http://www.timebanks.co.uk ) and we are also looking for trainers who can give time. But the deal is with time banking is that for every hour you spend helping someone out, you will earn a time credit. Everyone’s time is valued equally and one hour always equals one time credit. So this means the volunteering is based on give and take. We have 80 time banks all over the UK who are always looking for trainers who can help develop our time brokers and participants.
In response to Ruth
Ruth – you mentioned some management training packs that you would be willing to share. I would be extremely grateful if you could let me have one of these. I also work for a charity and am looking for ideas and funding for management training. My email is rbsgrants@tiscali.co.uk.
Many thanks
charitable training
A colleague and I try to offer a %age of our diary per year to charities at either reduced or no fee (depending of course on diary and the objectives for the required training). I think there may be many trainers who, like us, are not purely driven by finance and would enjoy adding skills to a worthwhile cause.
Request for the management packs as stated by Ruth’s comments to
In realation to Ruth’s helpful comments I was wondering if you would be willing to sgare the packs with myself. I am a staff development training officer for a Local Authority who is looking at developing a management development plan. Thanks.
I’d be willing to run some sessions for free. You can contact me at annros@acxiom.com
Hi as chairman of a charity http://www.bikejump2belarus.org.uk I would be interested if there is any free training out there for me to help raise funds, awareness and the profile of my charity.
Thanks in advance Jed
Free Training For Charities
There is government funding for leadership and management now through Train To Gain.
It relies on an initial contribution of £500 and the charity receives £1000 additional funding.
However, as part of our charitable commitment we are providing the £500 back as a donation to your charity. I think we are unique in this?
Managing volunteers is included within the 3-day Leadership Skills For Charities programme. Full details available at http://www.nfpacademy.co.uk