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Training course evaluation sheets


I attended a course at a local commercial learning & development centre yesterday and commented on the blandness of their evaluation sheet. So I was (not unreasonably) asked to put my money where my mouth is.

The centre runs a wide range of short 'courses', mainly for employed people - with the overall objective of improving business performance.

Evaluation is my main area of interest so I have some basic principles in mind. But why reinvent the wheel totally? If anyone could point me at some existing good practice, I'd be very grateful.

Mike Ellison
Evaluation Manager, Tyneside TEC, Moongate House, 5th Ave. Business park, Team Valley, GATESHEAD, NE11 0HF.

(Sorry if this is a familiar request , but I seem to be incompatible with the Muscat website search engine)
Mike Ellison

6 Responses

  1. Thanks and comments
    Thanks Gary & Robin – just what I was looking for and they’ll be a great help when working with this customer’.

    Just a personal observation however, my experence is that questions which start “How much” tend to get a better response than those starting “What”. So I’ll be doing some adaptions.


  2. Training evaluation
    Mike, if you would like a copy of my brilliant training evaluation toolkit please email me at and I will send it to you as a Word attachment which you can modify to suit your needs.

    Best wishes, Eddie Newall.

  3. Thanks
    I would like to add my thanks to Gary and Robin, as I too have tried differnet ways of obtaining meaningful feedback from a course.

    The information gives me a new way of looking at it

    Thank you